Roster Admin Roster

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Moring all.

I think it's time I announce my resignation from the Admin team. I just don't have the time to dedicate myself to the community like I use to and I'd hate to just sit in a position that would be much better off being handed over to someone that will be able to contribute a lot more than I can.

Just like to thank Sky and the admins for keeping me around in HLNA and bringing me onboard the TRP team. It's been great and I've thoroughly enjoyed my time assisting you guys running events (even if it meant being awake till 4am to work go to work for 8am) , general admining and the occassional mucking about with some of you players ;) .

I'll be lurking in the shadows for now until I'm more available or when Hl2 makes its ugly return :)

Much love all, stay safe out there and thanks for everything!

I'll leave just with a few words.

Its been a blast to help others and got to build a shit ton which is my favorite thing to do. But honestly I have run out of creativty and motivation as real-life has slowly become more hard.

I wish the best of luck to the admin team and the whole community as this place teached me quite a few things for the better or worse.

I'll still try to be active on server here and there when I get the motivation again.
I’m returning from LOA, but with that said I’m going to resign from TRP admin.

I’ve had a blast being an administrator on the HLNA server, and the TRP server for over a year, but my interest is almost to none when it comes to the Terminator setting. It’s not fair to hold up a position that someone else is probably better suited for. I got faith the team will finish off the server as best as they can.

With what time I have between juggling my two jobs, I’ll be shifting my focus to SRP which I’m extremely excited for. Hope to see you there.
Chad Chad and Floki Floki have been named Team Leads of their respective divisions. The Team Lead's purpose is to organize and oversee their division, leading through experience. They are the chief officers overseeing the STALKER roleplay team and by extension, the server, carrying executive authority to push the team and server forward with guidance and discipline. With their guidance, we will be able to further hone the staff team to reflect the server's needs.

Chad brings with him prior experience as SCL of a TnB STALKER roleplay server; Floki, his expertise in matters of STALKER lore and story-weaving. Both are perfect fits for their positions and will play critical parts in making this STALKER roleplay the best one yet.

STALKER Roleplay
Promoted to Subcommunity Leader.
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