Roster Admin Roster

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Flood Flood steps down; I'll let him take the mic...
Aesop Aesop steps down.

“I’m stepping away. Im working full time as a personal trainer and part time as a merchandiser at the moment, and whatever time I get I want to spend with my girlfriend, or spend on my online fitness business. I’m thankful to of worked with everyone I have worked with and I’ve loved being apart of the admin roster since the relaunch of HL:NA but as of right now I just don’t have the time to be apart of the roster. I’ll be around here and there on the forums and you’ll see me on the server periodically. Best of luck to the team. Love y’all. “

popo popo and 7dast 7dast join the STALKER team as GMs.
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Vecilea Vecilea

Resigns from TRP. o7

Hey guys. It’s me, the worst support character in the history of Taco N Banana. Anyhow I think it’s time I officially state that I'm leaving TnB for the most part. I’ve been a part of this community since 2013, making my first forum account in 2016. It’s been 9 long years and I've seen the ups and downs we’ve had from Half life Legacy all the way to the start of Stalker Roleplay 3 or is it 4? Anyhow. I have nothing but the best wishes for those in the community and wish you all the greatest time you can have on the world's worst game we all love, hell i’ve spent 4900 hours on it.

I’ve decided to focus on myself IRL for the time being. Cringe or based as this sounds I want to get back into my passion for art and focus on my physical health. I may lurk around, or come back on very infrequently but don't expect much.

Best of luck. Vecilea.
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War Machine War Machine and Fury Fury resign. Would like to thank War Machine personally for the countless hours he put in helping prepare for server launch and leading Duty during Rostok and the starting week, as well as Fury for helping with many of the builds you see on the map now.

just a little tired from the two months leading up into the launch, and then after launch blasting full time into it. i really enjoyed providing what i did and it's more than stable for the team to take it from here. enjoy it, don't argue with each other so much. no harsh feelings here i'm glad to depart on good terms. just don't got it in me right now and i'm willing to face that. rather not sit in the position on some extended LOA when others are fighting for it currently, pirate's been really cool about the door being open upon return if we take this route so it only seems right in my current head space. thank you all. -war machine

Mickee Mickee to LOA.
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A rock fell on my computer and smashed it. I’m not spending the money to replace it right now so will be on LOA for a while and might ultimately step down. Yall got this.
I'm sure this shocks nobody but I'm stepping down.

Not gonna sugarcoat it, my interest waned heavily in the weeks after launch because a bunch of you are cunts and it's hard to dedicate time to making something cool for a group of people that's 80% toxic ingrates.

For the remaining 20%, I hope you are still able to get something out of the STALKER roleplay I've spent 6 years trying to bring you. Sorry it wasn't better. I hope some future endeavor rediscovers the magic.
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