Roster Admin Roster

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@Saxophone Lesbian
The Red Menace The Red Menace

Added to TRP Admin.
Been gone a few days already but going on LOA for around a week, I'll still be around on forums and discord

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think it goes without saying at this point but im very reduced activity for a while

lots of things ive been toggling plus im gonna be working night shift for a long while within the next couple weeks so there's not really gonna be any chance im 24/7 around during the day, and when im not busy there's other games i'd rather play since rp is much more of a time consuming commitment

will do my best to answer discord n stuff but yeah if you need something it's probably better to hit up an admin first
E-LOA. More college and stuff - y'know , responsibilities. I'll hop on when and if I have the time.

Going through some personal shit, just like everyone does -- But I'm deciding to not use gaming as an excuse to get better. Mental health is important, so don't take it for granted. I'll be back.
I'm stepping down from admin

Don't really have the time right now to meaningfully contribute
Terminator Roleplay


I think it goes without saying that the server is going to need a figure of authority and shot-calling far more present than me in order for it to move forward. Ammo is someone that (despite the many bumpy times during our friendship... oops...) I trust wholeheartedly to carry TRP into a better direction and make sure its needs are taken care of. From now on, he'll be the central authority on server direction and making the important calls so nobody has to wait a week for me to give a three word opinion anymore with how low my interest is right now.

Will still be around if needed, but I'll also use this post to mark myself as LOA for the foreseeable future. Personal life, things to do, blah blah. You all know the gist.
Putting myself on an LOA for a while. Working long hours everyday and trying to fit IRL shit inbetween is causing me to feel pretty fatigued by the time I have some free time to myself. Trying to then get into an RP mindset becomes even more draining and just puts me off wanting to do it.

Looking to breed my dog soon to with her getting inseminated next week so she'll be taking some priority over the coming weeks to.
Hope folks understand <3
A bit funny maybe considering my last post doubled as an LOA but-

I resign, and hopefully not just for three days this time either.

Don't worry, this isn't one of those drama-filled, community schism-styled resignations. The fact of the matter is that I've been entirely uninterested since about July and even approaching the tiniest things in regards to TnB has felt like an utter chore to me. Don't seek to disparage anyone or speak ill in any real way, but I'll touch on some of the reasons why my interest has dwindled so much.

1) Pushing really anything on server or in the community in general has begun feeling like a massive uphill battle. From all sources I've just found that a lot of the trust we had in each other as roleplayers and as members of the same community is entirely gone. Having to play as a leader during the HLNA Uprising was absolutely miserable - non stop complaining, non stop killing each other, nobody even bothering to really treat it like a roleplay experience with only a handful of exceptions. Roleplay on TnB nowadays feels more like people entering RP with set expectations for how exactly it will play out; rather than excited to explore dynamic situations, all that seems to come out of unexpected roleplay is a flurry of complaints and rumor spreading without even bothering to actually... roleplay any of it out on a character's personal level.

2) The truth is that nowadays, we're far beyond our glory days and so are most other serious roleplay communities you'll ever find on GMod. Learn to be satisfied with 20-30 player averages for a while; the stress of always having the expectation to have 50, 60, 70 players on a server consistently even while the game you're hosting the server on is dying is a very unbecoming feeling. Garry's Mod still has however many players, sure, but finding a serious roleplay server doing better than us maybe aside from one or two much newer communities is extremely difficult.

3) Roleplay itself is just not very fun anymore for me here. Usually I'm only able to connect and actively play a server when I have a character I'm actively enjoying but that's not happened since early HLNA with 69196 before taking control of the entire CCA. If I can't actually enjoy my own roleplay, then I can't get a good gauge of how playing the server actually is, and that means managing it at all is just about hell.

Yes, I'm sure TnB's going to be fine, Ammo will hopefully do a good job with leading TRP on and someone else will decide where we go from there in regards to future servers. I wish this place well because it was a very very very massive source of many childhood memories but as it stands now, I don't want the responsibility or obligations weighing on me while I have virtually no interest in fulfilling any of it.

Best of luck to the admin teams of the current and future, hopefully my pretty simple feedback above can give an insight as to how many people are feeling - especially numero uno.

Peace fellas, and Happy Valentine's Day.
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