Roster Admin Roster

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  • brim

brim: sorry i didn't have it in me to add littleb and had to sabotage the roster instead.
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to Senior Executive Administrator
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i think we can all agree ves deserves a place on the roster

you will be missed old friend
I'm resigning.

TnB has been off my radar for a long time now, and right now I don't see myself contributing anything here, nevermind even getting on the servers.

It was a slice, bye.

ps. I appoint toastmatic AKA murderwhore AKA fervenspb as my replacement, please be respectful of my wish!


ty anony

rob e; I'll miss the times that we were admining far too late into the night during the summer. Take it easy,

AlbinoEdit: :(

I resign.

I used to enjoy myself here, and now I don't, especially not as much as I did in the past. So I'm not going to continue to hold a title under the pretense that I have the ability or desire to contribute when I don't anymore. It was (mostly) fun while it lasted, and up until relatively recently I've genuinely and thoroughly enjoyed my time as a part of Half-Life 2 RP as a player, faction leader, and member of the administration. My one earnest regret is that this couldn't end more amicably, but besides that, I hope you all continue to enjoy yourselves as much as I once did.

See you guys around and take care.
ive already been absent the past week cuz i was sick but
me to loa for another wk or 2
need a break from everythin, been working on srp for way too many hours a day in the past two months and its burned me out
plus dark souls
LOA for a week or so, need to deal with irl etc.

ill be back

kordedit - please hurry back soon i already miss you babe

it feels like the right time to go now. SRP demonstrated to me just how much more entertaining it is to not be an admin on the server. It also made me realise just how much I stayed at TnB due to some sense of commitment to a role be it IC or OOC. At the end of the day I needed to remind myself this is a game. I went back to an old community yesterday for the first time in nearly two years and in the space of that evening I'd had more fun and less hostilities there than I've experienced for months at TnB. I feel ever since SRP it gave me a window of roleplay and its made me realise just how distant I feel from it now days, more depressingly SRP also revealed just how distant I feel from all my friends here at TnB. In an ironic way I'm glad SRP opened my eyes.

Best of luck to your future, TnB and goodbye my dudes

fezdit: i'll miss you midas dude! pop in ts every now and then, yes?

julesedit: hope u come back m8 ull always have a plce in my heart


rob: enjoy yourself, where ever you go

kordinn: live long and prosper

a rare picture of drakens (left) and dark_knight (right) as a parting gift:

moo: he's gone lefty

xeanos: live long and prosper
New mouse-pad, going on LOA while I rekindle my love with CS:GO

heheh not resigning just yet fooled ya
brim suspended to player for having a backbone and speaking his mind about the promotion of Littleb to administrator.

It's difficult to work alongside the same starfish dildo that connected to S1 to grief roleplayers less than a week before the launch of SRP. Going from someone you ban daily to sharing the same position as you is a huge fucking joke. Brim couldn't accept this and voiced his opinion in private to the administration. Most of us agree that he has no place here and has been strong-armed in for the sake of being Dave's mate. He's the true octopus retard none of us deserve to tolerate.
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  • Kieck
  • Scott
  • Staton
to SRP TA.
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  • Xeanos
  • Pancake
  • Fez
  • moomao
Pass trial to full admin.

Note: the administration team is currently unimpressed with [member=FervensPB]. Step up your game if you want to remain on the team.
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I'm off LOA, what a waste of my time I barely even played CS. I spent more time on the server while on LOA than when I wasn't, lol.
hello friends

this is the end for good ol blubaugh, he's drifted off and hasn't felt that longing tug back for a long time. i had a good time when i had a good time, and i liked most of you

not really, we know ill be back when something catches my interest again

me to resignation

goodbye friends
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