Roster Admin Roster

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myself to extended loa for roughly 16 weeks. going on a little trip. enjoy yourselves and have fun. ta.

kordedit - hurry home soon you fuck, and stay safe. my ultra greatsword is waiting on you <3
LOA for indeterminable about of time until I sort some things out,

I will be on the server still but a break from my administration duties is much needed. I've been on the server near enough constantly every day since launch, it'll be best to just not to do that for a little bit and clear some things up.

Vosk to trial admin. Congratulations and welcome to the fold.

I'm sure it won't take as long as Toast to get your flags sorted. We've got dedicated staff on the case.
LOA for 2-3 weeks, school term is ending so I'm swimming in lab writeups. Will still check the forums out but don't expect me to get on server much.
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After a week break, I resign to open a spot for someone far more dedicated. Roleplay is just no longer enjoyable for me.

Kordinn Edit - Scott, in the past we may have had some differences over the years, maybe I've called you a snake, and maybe you've wanted to throw my liberal ass down a fire-escape, but after all the dust had settled from [REDACTED LOCATION] and you came here, we kinda were way more friendly to one another and I appreciate it.

I'm glad you came to SRP, and I hope one day you could come back just to RP.

Stay safe out there man, and best of luck.

rob e; shine on, you crazy diamond
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In case you're unobservant, I haven't been around the server much lately so I'll be on LOA until I'm not so burnt out.

aka brb, csgo
Alright, this has been really way overdue and I think really everyone knows that. As of recently my head has really not been in the right place for admining and certainly so to dedicate most of my time to doing it. I think it's really unfair for all the players for me to hog a position I honestly don't deserve anymore. I've completely lost any interest of going on the server even on a roleplaying basis, it's clear my dedication is more to other games like Counter Strike and other that I've been playing for the past 3 weeks instead of doing my job. It's been a pleasure and I'm glad I was able to help the admin team when it was woefully understaffed.

I'll still be on TS and the forums of course, I'm just giving up the orange name.
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