Roster Admin Roster

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  • Gunnerstrip7 has been given the dunce hat and is sentenced to the corner of the classroom for 3 days.
e; "I serve the sentence with shame." - Gunner
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SealGunman resigns.

My new years resolution is to find a community with communication in their higher administration.

brim: sealdoneman
I'm somehow getting inactivity warnings and administration/community-related messages on here and Steam. I've been on LOA since the 18th Dec and I'll be back fully on the 4th Jan. I didn't think I had to make it double clear. I can't physically do things like unban you or give you sweps. I'm not even in my home city so I can't come on the server.

I love you guys but goddamn.

rob e; if you need something done that requires being on server, add me @
The following admins are going on a one-month LOA.
  • Blu
  • Thurinus

things have been gettin a little too tnb around these parts, plus new semester

aw they're going on a honeymoon so cute
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As you've noticed my only presence in TnB in the last few months has been me trying to piss people off on the forums, I lost interest as an admin and player in general some while ago.

I'll still stick around since it's in my brain memory to look at these forums, it's sort of like having a smoke.

It was good fun and I'll see you boys around.

xeanosedit: dont be a stranger u cunt or ill knock u out
LOA until 20/02/2016. Currently working away from home and I don't have time for the server.
Taking a week long LOA. School and work are becoming a bitch and I'm becoming a bit burned out so I need some R&R to get back into things.
  • adderall
removed, failed trial
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  • [member=Tazmily] passes trial.

  • Fastard
  • Dougal
  • !Wookie!
Added to trial.
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I resign.

My shifts at my job doesn't allow for any free time. I'm taking up an admin space and a Commader position that someone whos active and passionate would be happy to fill. Wish you guys the best of luck, you're all great and I hope that we can hang out again sometime. I'll be back when my job is less busy. Peace.
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