STALKER Roleplay & Community Update Announcement

How to apply for the Syndicate ? Sound like a cool faction
My first experience with TnB Stalker was joining it in 2016 and getting mugged and NLR'd whenever I left Loner town. I think I quit after two days of trying to get invested and never went back.

Hoping stuff is better this time, though given who's involved I'm absolutely confident it will be.
I really do hope that SRP takes place after Call of Pripyat because the story potential is absolutely insane. If we factor into the fact that Strelok basically ultra-mega fucked up the whole deal with the NPP and Collective brain bois who controlled the Noosphere, you could basically take the story in any direction after that. It could be a doomsday event where it's a Half-Life level invasion of what is essentially mutated creatures and anomalies all over the world after the Zone expands to encompass the entirety of the Earth's surface. Entire cities, gone, entire civilizations, brought to it's knees in a mere instant. It would be such an amazing idea to explore-- and one that makes sense within the lore of the games to an extent.

I took the idea and expanded upon it by taking inspiration from the Resonance Cascade in Half-Life.

pump your brakes there fella it's barely been a day
Oh I know, I just want to chime in and give people some ideas maybe. Given the fact that this iteration has been sort if in the works for years, it means that there is *likely* a story and maybe what I just typed isn't too far off from the planned direction they want to take this. Maybe the ideas I pitched in are completely out of touch and not in tune with S.T.A.L.K.E.R at all, or maybe this server won't have a grand narrative and instead relies on the players being apart of factions creating their *own* storylines together.


I swear I for one would love for a "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: New World" type server instead of just retelling the story of the games which everyone at this point knows unless it's dynamic and different things can happen. Maybe the storyline for this server doesn't even involve the actions of Strelok or anything have anything to do with Clear Sky, Shadow of Chernobyl, and Call of Pripyat, but it would be a *really* good reason to play this server to explore a completely new idea within S.T.A.L.K.E.R, just like what Metro: 2033 did.

HL:NA did something like this, they did something *different* yet it felt familiar and fresh. The writing behind the server was so fucking solid. It was everything we knew about Half-Life, but in a setting which made things feel so different and new. The threat posed by the Fungus and Xenians, the way each and every player contribited icly to the function of the city, and the moral dilema that occurs when Resistance want to throw that all away for freedom. It was pretty good. The only complaint I had was the main character syndrome present in characters like Auclair, but for the progression of the plot since people were kind of letting bigger names do all the work and only showing up for the shooty shooty bang bang, it was necessary for admins to help drive it in the right direction. I am certainly guilty of this a little bit, I was too scared of getting pk'ed because I mained a day 1 character.

I have no experience in writing at all, but if I *had* experience I'd fucking love to come up with ideas for a server like this. I see so much potential with this setting.

If I'm rambling, I apologize, I'm just excited to see where this server might go because it *is* my first time ever experiencing S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP in general, not just on TRP. It's just like the excitement I had originally when discovering TRP, and HL:NA. All of those servers were firsts for me, and I'd love to see something that I just couldn't get anywhere else like the way HL:NA stood out from Willard's HL2 server.

Seriously though fuck Willard I got pk'ed because I fell 5 feet after some minge kept punching me. ffs.
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Oh I know, I just want to chime in and give people some ideas maybe. Given the fact that this iteration has been sort if in the works for years, it means that there is *likely* a story and maybe what I just typed isn't too far off from the planned direction they want to take this. Maybe the ideas I pitched in are completely out of touch and not in tune with S.T.A.L.K.E.R at all, or maybe this server won't have a grand narrative and instead relies on the players being apart of factions creating their *own* storylines together.


I swear I for one would love for a "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: New World" type server instead of just retelling the story of the games which everyone at this point knows unless it's dynamic and different things can happen. Maybe the storyline for this server doesn't even involve the actions of Strelok or anything have anything to do with Clear Sky, Shadow of Chernobyl, and Call of Pripyat, but it would be a *really* good reason to play this server to explore a completely new idea within S.T.A.L.K.E.R, just like what Metro: 2033 did.

HL:NA did something like this, they did something *different* yet it felt familiar and fresh. The writing behind the server was so fucking solid. It was everything we knew about Half-Life, but in a setting which made things feel so different and new. The threat posed by the Fungus and Xenians, the way each and every player contribited icly to the function of the city, and the moral dilema that occurs when Resistance want to throw that all away for freedom. It was pretty good. The only complaint I had was the main character syndrome present in characters like Auclair, but for the progression of the plot since people were kind of letting bigger names do all the work and only showing up for the shooty shooty bang bang, it was necessary for admins to help drive it in the right direction. I am certainly guilty of this a little bit, I was too scared of getting pk'ed because I mained a day 1 character.

I have no experience in writing at all, but if I *had* experience I'd fucking love to come up with ideas for a server like this. I see so much potential with this setting.

If I'm rambling, I apologize, I'm just excited to see where this server might go because it *is* my first time ever experiencing S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP in general, not just on TRP. It's just like the excitement I had originally when discovering TRP, and HL:NA. All of those servers were firsts for me, and I'd love to see something that I just couldn't get anywhere else like the way HL:NA stood out from Willard's HL2 server.

Seriously though fuck Willard I got pk'ed because I fell 5 feet after some minge kept punching me. ffs.
To me one of the appeals of STALKER is that unlike other “men shooting people in ruins” settings the whole world continues blissfully unaware outside the Zone’s border. There is a real threat of the Zone’s horrors escaping the Zone and harming innocent people. It has a unique set of stakes that other settings lack. Skipping to the part where that has happened robs it of that and you might as well go with a more open post apocalyptic setting in that case.
Undecided as yet. After the staff guidelines meeting today sets the rules on how staff handles auth requests, and what limitations we will impose on auths, I will make sure we get the board set up & a format posted ASAP. I want to give players as much time as possible to prepare their characters.
Would also like to note that the script has a points shop at char creation that lets you choose a variety of starting equipment and any points you don’t spend are deposited in your character’s pockets as rubles. This will cut down on the need to apply just to start with more than a Makarov, that was the majority of apps at both the last TnB SRP and every iteration of Rads
i dont get the appeal of stalker rp on garry's mod when

1. stalker hasn't been relevent in like 10 years
2. last srp iteration lasted 2-3 months and was a total failure
3. from what i've seen from trp3's active pop, some people on server are younger than the actual game

in 2022 stalker rp is just a bad idea. especially with the news of another stalker coming out soonish. What's gonna happen when heart of chernobyl comes out? Cause when Half-Life Alyx just got out I remember the HL2 server being shut down out of the blue to make way for new lore. I just don't see any sense of longevity with SRP though.

My opinion is garbage though, srp never interested me and never will so take what I just said with a grain of salt. Otherwise, prove me wrong and make the server last a year and maybe then I'll come roleplay lol.
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To me one of the appeals of STALKER is that unlike other “men shooting people in ruins” settings the whole world continues blissfully unaware outside the Zone’s border. There is a real threat of the Zone’s horrors escaping the Zone and harming innocent people. It has a unique set of stakes that other settings lack. Skipping to the part where that has happened robs it of that and you might as well go with a more open post apocalyptic setting in that case.
If this takes place before the C-Consciousness (between Clear Sky and Shadow of Chernobyl) is destroyed, I think you guys could create an amazing buildup towards that and maybe have this be a running plotline that spans a decently long time to firmly explore these ideas.

I'm confident y'all are gonna do some really great things, but I would like to clarify that I didn't mean *skipping* to the end-of-the-world scenario is going to be the direction I'd wish for the idea I mentioned above to go. I suggest a continuiation of the factions already present in the Zone and an evolution of their relations with eachother as the Zone now becomes both less dangerous near the edges of the Zone and extremely inhospitable towards the Center of the Zone. I *am* drawing inspiration from some HL:NA factions like the CIC but I mainly drew most of my inspiration for this little pitch here as a direct followup to S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat-- which is currently the latest installment in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Franchise.

Now I might be completely embarrasing myself by typing this, or actually making some good ideas on how a story like I presented could progress. Fuck it, ima do it.
I imagined having this take place *directly* after Call of Pripyat, and after a bit of digging I believe The USS and all major factions like Duty and Freedom would play a large role in investigating and fighting for territory in the Zone as during the ending the Ukrainian Government (specifically the USS) was made readily aware of the events of the Chernobyl NPP by Strelok and the Ukrainian Government formed the "Scientific Insitute for Research of the Chernobyl Anomalous Area" (or SIRCAA) with Strelok as a head honcho of that group. This would mean the increase of Government personel within the Zone, and an increase of those wishing to *study* the Zone. In Duty's eyes, this is a nightmare scenario and since their mission is to eradicate and eliminate the spread of the Zone since they view it as a threat, they would seek to stop the USS and SIRCAA from trying to run expiriments or tests that could possibly endanger those within the Zone or cause it to become more active unless they worked towards the goals of nullifying the effects of the Zone on the inhabitants like the Ecologists who made things like SEVA suits, and Psi-Helmets to counter certain anomalous creatures. However, because of the conflict between Freedom and Duty, many squads from both sides desert and join the Free Stalkers, and those at Yanov station are desperately trying to reach a peace agreement. What complicates this, as after meeting with Freedom leadership, the leader of Duty was seen with a large squad headed towards the Center of the Zone, and this is especially important because of the destruction of the C-Consciousness, which caused Psi-Storms and Psi-Emissions/Blowouts to happen irregularly or way more often than normal. After that it is unknown what happened to Duty, though it could be theorized that in an attempt to venture deeper into the Zone to recon a path towards the NPP, they were killed off by an emission similar to how Clear Sky was, or were forced to survive in the hostile land surrounding the Center of the Zone. (Open to interpretation as to where this faction goes because it's not really known why they went towards the center of the Zone...? Especially after having a meeting with Freedom? It could be theorized that they were trying to eliminate the rest of Monolith, even though after the towers were shut down many under Monolith control were set free). Psi-Emissions/Blowouts/Storms occured extremely frequently, almost completely cutting off travel into the Center of the Zone if shelter was unavailable and likely turning vast numbers of bandits and mercenaries along with other factions into zombies if they weren't able to adapt to this new way of life within the Zone. Even if they did, with every storm buildings could become infested with anomalies, mutants, and roads could become impossible to travel on foot or on wheels. It would be such a hostile environment to survive in that any attempt to gain territory in this area would be near-suicidal. The resulting carnage within the Center of the Zone would result in a new faction similar to Monolith being created, except without a god so-to-speak. Large groups and hordes of zombies and ghouls now occupied the lands surrounding the NPP, and made travel even /more/ dangerous within the Center of the Zone. Freedom and other bases became hotbeds for trade and information, and Ecologists now selling their life-saving anomalous products and technology became even more popular with Free Stalkers, Freedom, Duty, and essentially every faction save for Monolith. In addition, Free Stalkers and Freedom are now making more money than ever due to the over-abundance of artifacts near the Center of the Zone, as the psi-emissions now pose a new oppertunity to quickly detect, secure, and sell valuable artifacts. This also meant that muggings and robbings by bandit groups along common routes to and from the Center were extremely common, and often times shootouts would occur daily near these pathways between bandits, Freedom, and other factions.

The world of the Zone was left in a state of unease -- with no word on what happened to the Duty squad within the Center of the Zone, and the formation of SIRCAA, the increase in emissions, along with the USS and the Ukrainian Military (Likely sourced from National Guard stationed in Kiev/Special Forces near Kiev) supposedly planning to increase it's presence in the region -- many worry that the very fate of the Zone and even the world hangs in the balance.
I'm not a writer, certainly not, but I'm trying my best to convey the ideas I have while multitasking at school so it's probably going to be very disorganized, but I tried my best in trying to explain what I meant in my previous posts while respecting S.T.A.L.K.E.R lore.

This also isn't me trying to force lore onto the server you guys probably already have amazing stuff planned out, and I'm mainly writing this just to dip my toes into world building and gain valuabe criticism and discussion around something like this. It's sloppy, but I think for just a few hours typing this up while doing school work it's not too bad and stays somewhat consistent with the ending of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat and the other games. There are alot of weakpoints, as originally I wasn't going to include information about Freedom and Duty but then I realized the potential for a conflict between several parties and included that along with the bit about Zombies. I still don't know what to do with Duty because they just, well. in lore kinda *went* to the center of the zone for no fucking reason as far as I can see. I've scoured the internet, forums, nothing that I can dig up besides the ending says anything about Duty going to the Center of the Zone. Nothing other than eliminating the rest of Monolith or combatting the hordes of zombified bandits could explain why they would go there.
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i dont get the appeal of stalker rp on garry's mod when

1. stalker hasn't been relevent in like 10 years
2. last srp iteration lasted 2-3 months and was a total failure
3. from what i've seen from trp3's active pop, some people on server are younger than the actual game

in 2022 stalker rp is just a bad idea. especially with the news of another stalker coming out soonish. What's gonna happen when heart of chernobyl comes out? Cause when Half-Life Alyx just got out I remember the HL2 server being shut down out of the blue to make way for new lore. I just don't see any sense of longevity with SRP though.

My opinion is garbage though, srp never interested me and never will so take what I just said with a grain of salt. Otherwise, prove me wrong and make the server last a year and maybe then I'll come roleplay lol.

Again, I implore you to read up on what we’re doing differently before casting judgment and doomsaying. Other than the theme, this server has nothing in common with the last TnB SRP and we are taking pains to identify and address not only the many issues with that server but also with TnB’s general approach to servers, not only for SRP but for future projects.
1. stalker hasn't been relevent in like 10 years
Stalker's always been relevent for TnB. Its one of the servers that really put the community on the map, and its a cult classic to a great deal of people.
2. last srp iteration lasted 2-3 months and was a total failure
The last SRP iteration relied almost entirely on nostalgia and a half baked script. Having seen 100 rad's script before, I can safely say it is anything BUT half baked, and its probably only improved since I've personally last seen it.
3. from what i've seen from trp3's active pop, some people on server are younger than the actual game
Most of the fuckin' people here are younger than HL1, or the Terminator movies, or even the HL2 games, yet we still RP them anyways. They're settings we enjoy.

in 2022 stalker rp is just a bad idea. especially with the news of another stalker coming out soonish. What's gonna happen when heart of chernobyl comes out? Cause when Half-Life Alyx just got out I remember the HL2 server being shut down out of the blue to make way for new lore. I just don't see any sense of longevity with that server...
To not get too deeply into current world events, the chances we never see Heart of Chornobyl are very real, and people want to give a go at Stalker for what could be one last time if things take a turn for the worse. Is there the chance the server gets shut down sometime next year when the game comes out to have the server updated? Sure, but its so far off that it hardly matters.

Slava Ukraini

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