New Beginnings

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Well I'm sure a fair few people share the same sentiment with me, but I have no idea how to even express it, so I'll just say; What the hell? I have no clue how to react to this, its negative for sure. Maybe my view on this will change in the future, but right now I'm kind of in shock, I think I'd be less confused if the community shut down.

I'll be continuing with the projects I'm apart of under TnB still, but I really have no words
ok maybe nat attack is onto something maybe we can do TRP for the 500th time like bro bring back stalker rp or stfu and settle on darkrp
Let me put it another way,

Decisions that affect the community at large, up to and including that community's very identity, should be made by the people involved in that community and not people who have not been involved for years making these decisions behind closed doors and then saying, "this is how it is."
what a crazy thing to do without evening letting any of the community members voice their opinions. this is actually so mind blowing lmao all hope for tnb has went out the drain for me bro.

this is genuinely crazy dude.

how is this actually gonna help the community? bringing back the same people over and over again to try and fix things is NOT going to fucking do anything but cause the same problems again and again. like bro? what are u guys thinking? shitposting aside i am srs. what the actual fuck LOL. DARK RP bro ??????????

On September 20th 2024, Members of the Community known as TnB heard the terrible news of the ending of the community,

Dark RP? Are we that low in life to do that. I'm super happy to hear Sky and TankNut coming back, Two great community leaders in the community but What the fuck did we do wrong? We are changing from Serious Roleplay to Dark RP....So what's the fucking point in this community then. This used to be a fantastic community with the best and I mean the best Serious Roleplayers in this community But changing that? Really? TnB members want to roleplay that's why we are in this community in the first place so like idk Are you fucking high on something to think about Dark RP then Serious Roleplay. But now Changing the name too??

Many members in this community worked hard in this community for the members but not just for the members but the name we hold on and that's "TnB". When we look back in the past, we know the name as TnB but changing it.. that's changing the whole community as a whole. That name would mean nothing to us now. Taco N' Banana is a special name to all of us and just changing it is just a slap in the face.

This post is probably gonna get deleted because it's a fact. We are all pissed off with this decision and I feel like when something like this happens, we should know first and agree on this path.

But again, Let's all face the facts...Everyone in this community has moved on in life. TnB isn't going to be the same with max players and Super epic events. In the beginning of the server being out but not all the time now. Everyone has a life. But that's just me talking.
the end of an era for sure

taco n banana as a name can be traced to tnb's precusor community, DSRP, all the way back in 2007, when there was a subforum run by rick dark called "el taco banana" (which was essentially for shitposts). after DSRP fell to admin bickering, the bulk of the community splintered off into various other communities. one was mine dog, one was tnb. one was also DSRP itself, which i was a part of for years, which amounted basically to an embittered IRC channel and a rp server (which i paid for with my mama's credit card) that maxed 10 players. good times.

i remember being a teeny bopper and clicking on that subforum, which would bring up a slew of ridiculous flashing text, jarring backgrounds, and, since this was 2007 and this kind of stuff was still possible on the internet, this song would auto-play in your browser

what's the rationale around the name change? presumably because taco is vagina and banana is penis and it might turn people off from connecting or something??

def think that this new endeavor, whatever you wanna call it, should begin with gauging player interest, maybe getting surveys going. not too late to get people's feedback on what kind of new changes they'd like to see instead of making the age-old tragic tnb admin mistake of assuming that admins know what players want best, cause often that simply isnt the case...

Hi, I'm back again. First order of business is addressing the most common concern I've seen so far!

There's no supplanting of serious roleplay with DarkRP, not in any capacity whatsoever, and I'd like to be rid of that notion immediately. I'm not sure if the wording in the original post was unclear enough or if several people just didn't actually read it through, but you can consider DarkRP as something similar to when we ran a much more unofficial Basewars during the interim between City 17 and City 45. Yes, it's an actual project developed and managed by TankNut, and it's going to run alongside what we do in the future with our serious roleplay endeavours.

Thread is locked for the short time being, we're processing feedback that we've received and we'll be happy to speak with the community at large in all of these coming days about what's happening.

Quick edit: please feel very free to DM me on Discord directly, let's talk about your concerns. I'm here to talk about anything you want.
Important clarity that I want to provide. Our primary focus will *always* be serious roleplay servers, that is never going to change. We are taking a break to consolidate. The next HL2 is a community effort, it is our top priority, and you will all be involved in its creation. This I promise you.
atleast keep the thread open it's only been an hour. shitposts should be expected but im sure other people have stuff to say. it's a big change and silencing a thread possessing this type of drastic change only 50 minutes after posting it isn't a good look

you cleared the fact serious rp isn't going anywhere why not let people reply?
atleast keep the thread open it's only been an hour. shitposts should be expected but im sure other people have stuff to say. it's a big change and silencing a thread possessing this type of drastic change only 50 minutes after posting it isn't a good look

you cleared the fact serious rp isn't going anywhere why not let people reply?

Thread lock isn't permanent, but plenty of people have been spamming it with bad faith & not really entertaining much of a conversation.
I've never been one to hold back on my words here at TnB, so I just got to start off by saying: what the fuck?

No discussions, no warnings, no community input.

This feels completely backwards from what we've been having discussions about in a CCC thread for 23 pages, which is ultimately trying to have more open communication...only to have the thread locked. This time the admin team also gets a taste of being blindsided with this announcement. I say this with 0 personal grudges towards any of the three now in community leadership positions, but it's almost laughable how I constantly see folks who leave and divide the community get rewarded when they come back. Again, no personal feelings there I'm just calling what I see.

Why do we need to erase shared, collective memories? What does that achieve? I hate to single you out Mox, but this is something you tried doing before and was met with backlash when it was done the first time. People want to be able to revisit those memories, hence why they pushed so hard to keep the archives around, admin roster, etc...Forgive me if I'm wrong in assuming that's what Gang means when they say:
This will include an entire facelift and reorganization of the community spaces on the forums and Discord, and most pertinently, a name change. We want to make sure that the changes we are making stick, and that we leave the past behind us. This was not a decision made lightly, especially given how sentimental many of us are about the good memories made over the years, but we feel that this is ultimately the best way forward.

As for the DarkRP gamemode...Once again, I emphasize having a discussion with the community in what they'd temporarily like to see while other projects get worked on. This just feels backwards from what we've been going on in circles about.

At the end of the day, starting out this 'new community' in an echo chamber is not a very welcoming start.
Ho-kay. Cleaned up the thread a little bit. We're unlocked.

I'd like to have proper conversations about this and everyone's concerns with it. I assume a lot's going to come in so bear with me while I take my time to respond to everything...

Let me say some preliminary things though, just to answer many questions I'm already seeing.

1) Once again reiterating, my DM is open to talk on an individual level with anybody. I really don't bite.

2) Yes, I understand that the idea of a name change in the future is extremely daunting to some. Taco N Banana is a community most of us here grew up with, and seriously trust me when I say I don't particularly enjoy that there's going to come a day where we don't see it anymore. It's time to face some hard truths though: this community has existed since 2007, and it's not been aging particularly well. A brief look through the forums says all it needs to. It's filled with extreme strife and extreme negativity at just about every corner. Moving on from the name, all of its baggage, and trying our hands with some new things opens many doors for the community that literally wouldn't be possible otherwise.

3) I'm not a fan of having to work with this sort of behavior so soon after a large announcement, but... come on, some of what I've seen posted here so far is very disappointing and it's frankly the exact kind of behavior we'd love to distance ourselves from. 95% of the people viewing this thread are above the age of eighteen, we should all know how to have rational conversations. I applaud the people with large concerns that've provided their feedback maturely and that's all I could ever ask for moving forward. Nap's post above is honestly a very good example of how to open a dialogue and I'll be responding to it later. The only kinds of posts I'll be deleting are ones that are obviously low effort and just meant to turn people's concerns into vitriol.

4) Reiterating this once again. Nothing is replacing serious roleplay at this community in any capacity, now or in the future. That's our main staple and it's remaining as such. DarkRP is a passion project from TankNut and I think it'd be silly to pass up on an opportunity to have that in the space between serious roleplay avenues. HL2RP once again will be the next venture we work on in the future, with DarkRP present to tide people over while we work on it, as well as possibly introduce some new faces to the community at large. I cannot be anymore clear that this is remaining a roleplay community!
Why are you calling it bad faith when you've hidden this entire swathe of new information? Yeah, people aren't going to react very happily when you repeat old-ass issues and then the usual 'but we're doing it better!'
I hate to single you out Mox, but this is something you tried doing before and was met with backlash when it was done the first time.

Bennet was the one that wanted to do it, I just was the one who made the post. I'm sure he can back me up if he so wished since he's around atm.

As for the rest of your concerns, I don't think they are unwarranted. Both Sky and I have been apart of the very culture Gangleider is talking about in the main post and to see us brought back from the mist is an understandable shake-up after having been distant for so long. Frankly, I didn't actually come back with this intention.

But I saw exactly what Gangleider, Sky and TankNut each saw: A community on the edge of a cliff. Forum and server activity was dead low for over two months, and no one to reasonably fill the chasm left by Bennet. And there was no one to step up to that plate from the existing community or admins that knew how to address the bigger picture than just maybe fixing a roleplay server.

Moreover, the same behaviors keep distancing old players from returning and new ones from joining once they catch on of our reputation. I don't know how often you've poked your head into the other corners of the Gmod rp sphere, but TnB is pretty unanimously considered the garbage disposal of serious roleplay. Our reputation is in the dirt and it directly impacts our player retention as well as our ability to commit to other projects by acquiring new developers. No amount of putting a rug over the stain is going to cut it this time.

I think there's reasonable frustration to be had over being blindsided though, don't get me wrong. But prior to this post, there was hardly even half a fraction of the amount of people in community spaces and everyone was divided in their own plans to resuscitate the community. Something had to be done and we're trying to do it.
Step 1 is not having people who haven't been involved in the community for years at this point as the self-appointed community leadership. Coming out of the ether to purportedly take charge and save the community without anyone in the community's input is a bad look.

We can go from there.
But I saw exactly what Gangleider, Sky and TankNut each saw: A community on the edge of a cliff. Forum and server activity was dead low for over two months, and no one to reasonably fill the chasm left by Bennet. And there was no one to step up to that plate from the existing community or admins that knew how to address the bigger picture than just maybe fixing a roleplay server.

This is not true… You, Flood, and I spent several days talking about what could be done if all three of us stepped up to the plate… how we’d address HL2 and how it functions…. Community issues… the team…
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