ye i probably came off like i was gunning it for the admins or admin which i was not. ik the instance ur referring too u just sparked some memories. a lot of that was bmd influenced but i roped it into admin stuff cuz i remember the amount ppl were bugging about it. there r ooc issues with like quantities and whats given but a huge problem there is that we cant stop any player from linking up with a bmd and doing shit with those guns. tbh idk how to handle that oocly and idt u should to be frank
sorry i also suck with wording shit. afaik there will be plot lines, sorry if i came off as saying its all up to yall. im pretty sure members of the team got some written up and planned fitting for the universe u saw in the announcement thread. as for the rebels there is no end goal like how hlna had the spire but yall should have shit to indulge in. some beta themed stuff which im not really familiar with so im not saying shit
there also might be an end goal or over arching plot later in but thats not really in my liberty to say. we also gotta calculate if this server is gonna last past the initial launch month hype. so lets just feel out launch and see how ppl r feeling
and nah ur not overthinking anything. those r legitimate points of concern and i agree with u on some.
another thing. not directed to u freeman. i wouldn't be too surprised if yall saw a rebel player showing initiative get bumped to admin. its just how it goes sometimes it is needed. it makes shit easier for admins too if they're having to constant oversee something that person wants to do today
Nono, not at all mate! I didn't get the feeling you were pushing the idea of an admin being in that position at all.
I get you, it is just one of those things which may inevitably happen and probably requires some admins spawning in guns for progression, or players having legit worked for it so I get you wholeheartedly.
Oh right ok I get you now. Well that's just as good so I am looking forward to seeing whats in store for everyone!
Yeah I understand you want to focus on a more realistic timeframe right now as you quite rightly mention, the server may not go the distance.
Ok good, I get carried away sometimes with the early game stuff. Get's me excited haha.
Yeah absolutely, I mean if someones grafting hard enough and show they're more than capable of managing things and actually carry out shit correctly making them admin is beneficial for everyone without a doubt!
Ideally it'd be great in practice to try and have BMD's more prominent over mugging units for their gear, but it's impossible to say that muggings won't ever happen. Factors come up in unit muggings that will have to be dealt with case-by-case. Is someone mugging a unit in the plaza for their gear? That'd fall under play stupid games and win stupid prizes imo if they're (likely) caught during it. Overall CCA is there to help enforce the setting and the goal isn't to just solely kill characters off. But just putting it out there - if scripts are what you're after mugging a unit in broad daylight isn't the brightest idea. That's just one scenario. If a unit decides to wander off into D2 by themselves they're putting themselves at risk because the buddy system is generally promoted/enforced at times for that sole reason and will likely be dealt with icly for losing their gear. Really all of it just depends on the situation and we'll generally hand muggings how we do normally.
Ultimately Civil Protection will reflect a lot of what it did in HLNA. My goal in leading it is to provide a good amount of wiggle room for units to be able to develop their own stories mostly as they see fit rather than railroad anything at the very start, however someone takes that is up to their own interpretation. Whether they play a cop solely devoted to the Combine or one who has their own motivations at hand, I'd like to see every bit of it and see the roleplay develop from one's actions amongst their squad and leadership. Generally I think identity in squads and a bit of rivalry is some of the best CCA roleplay one can get. We're going to really try and keep the squads even with active players so that we can avoid where one squad is always the lesser.
I'd like to generally strike a balance between having an active presence of interactions between citizens/rebels and CCA to drive character stories onward, though a lot of that is up to the individual players themselves. Though the goal is to not be overbearing and oppress roleplay itself from actually happening.
Aside from that, there is going to be two squads at the start. More threads will be rolling out soon with some information.
Just like previous iterations, the districts will be broken up between maps like they always have. The general area surrounding the nexus and plaza will be known as something like D1, the areas further outside of that (using i17 as an example, the grotto and that area around it is part of D2 as well as the construction site area.) will be known as another district. Then of course you have your sewers and other individual areas per map. Generally units that aren't recruits have free range over D1 and likely do not need a partner to patrol with them unless stated otherwise. As for D2, it generally isn't recommended to patrol the area by yourself and sometimes will be required to have a partner with you. Such things will be treated as an IC punishment generally unless you're straight up just leaving the city without authorization, that would move to an OOC issue. We'll have status levels such as Green, yellow, or red to signify the dangers of the city at the given time. Yellow or red would require partners or patrol teams to generally patrol any area.
Our goal this time around is to include more people in the loop of Field Command. I realize that most people here are getting older. Either in college or working a job at this point and time isn't always going to be as free as one wants. I'd like to drop the trope of needing to no-life it just to hold a role or be rewarded for one. Obviously if you're wanting to be field command you're going to need to be on a decent amount since you're involved in larger decision making. But with a larger group of field command at hand it should be easier on the individual. Expect a smaller group at launch and then as time moves on more will be inducted. Dedication to cca roleplay will 100% be awarded though. As for being Field Command and to have things not be stagnant the entire length of the server, Field Command will have to be smart in their IC actions as we will likely be returning the rule that a genuine, roleplayed death would be a PK for the AdJ/SqL. That makes it so they have to lead with their brain if they decide to dive into a Patrol Team head on. Obviously it'll be dealt with case by case, but if someone just walks up with a gun and shoots a SqL in the back of the head on the nexus steps with 0 motivation, that isn't going to be treated as a PK. Some people may not like it, but I believe having that responsibility over Field Command's heads will make roleplay a tad more intense/real. It also creates a balance that rebels have over the CCA as we have usually plenty over them if a rebel gets captured.
Oh dont get me wrong, I'm not saying muggings shouldn't be a thing. Quite the opposite as it can create some great interactions. My biggest concern as I mentioned before is the over-saturation of muggings occurring. Quite rightly, this will depend on the circumstances, and im sure cracking down on people pulling stupid shit in the plaza over thought out and engaging rp with an ambush in D2 will prevail.
Firstly, congrats on taking on the mantle of running the CCA.
I'm glad we're continuing the multiple squad formula. I know in the past folks have said they'd prefer a singular massive squad and it just doesn't sit right with me.
It sounds like you've got a decent idea on how the squads will be managed so I look forward to seeing how folks progress within the faction :)
Same for how we manage the map and allow CPS to navigate around the area. No point fixing what aint broke right?
I'm quite happy with you mentioning how you'll be looping more people into FC. I feel that this is probably one of the biggest reasons why stagnation occurs so giving more players an opportunity to be in this role should help keep things flowing. I like the idea of FC members being more in the line of fire when it comes to TKs/PKs. And not just cause they were caught out by rebels. I love the idea of higher ups like Dvls, cracking down on incompetance/failure of doing their duty correctly.
Synths are gonna be seen on server especially something common like the cremator, besides that the rest of the synths will be quite rare considering they're all combat oriented.
They'll be as you said, an RP tool used for dynamic and interesting scenarios or there to kick someone's ass. A deployment system will be made once the server is live though COTA wont be as common as they were in HLNA. As for kitting and how they'll generally be, that'll be revealed once the overwatch threads go up.
That's great to hear. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more info as it becomes available then :)
Apologies for shitty format response. Couldn't be bothered to seperate the quotes out haha