Roster Admin Roster

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Basic Admin to LOA

  • Foley

2-3 Weeks until school calms down and Christmas arrives.
Dark_Knight Suspended

Update: Still LOA. Between learning how to become a full fledged weeaboo and speaking Moonspeak fluently, and working a shitty part time job stocking shelves and doing that pointless shit, I've been finding the time to come on here and look over stuff. I should be a little more active once finals week is over and I can actually spend my days staring at my screen (When I don't have work of course).

Until then, さよなら!
Myself to LOA. Not sure when I'll be back in London, should be a week or so hopefully.

I'll have my laptop with me so if you desperately need me then send me a forum PM and I'll look at it when I get the chance. I may be on SF from time to time also.
I think its about time I add this..
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay

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Sub-Community Leader

Super Administrator

  • [*=left]Cobrastrike
Basic Administrator

  • [*=left]KaRay


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Renzone was reinstated by the majority of the team and Dave as an HL2 TA, to note. (three months late, :))
Once upon a time, a man who only knew his name to have the letter 'S' rode down a long and endless passage way, hoping to find truth to a empty world. In his ride, he came upon a slight door, blocked by a blue ribbon with the marks of Christmas. He proceeded to open this door, no way for himself, hoping to find the key to saving his home world of computer. As the door opened, a sudden blaze of fury seem to came out, and from the inner habitats of the evil planet hard drive came the creature of demise, failure. Now, this man, with his name of S did fight, thrusting his sword of attempt through the veins of the creature, hoping to not only destroy it's fire, but to maybe get lucky and make hard drive come to the good side. Alas this man, with his name 'S', failed, being stuck onto planet hard drive until dawn set after Christmas.

But never fear, for this man, who legends tell us has a name of Setzer will return, his fire burning with the passion of many hard drives. Let us hope that god does not have mercy on his soul, for his soul is perfectly fine, and god's mercy may hurt a bit.

Setzer to LOA.
I resign by force on trp.


Well, here we are. I have thought about resigning for a while, but then I was forced out. Granted, I had seen this coming ever since the the meeting was first posted on the administration board, but still. And since I was afk when Felix decided to kick me from the chat, there are a few things I wanted to say.

First, the circumstance of my removal. There has been a faction of TRP admins that has wanted me removed for a while, and they will remain nameless, though considering the situation there will be those who know who is who. Each and every admin was audited for their preformance, I didn't make the cut due to gross inactivity and poor adminship. This is their reasoning.

Also, while I am still here, writing about my woes to a bunch of nerds, there have been many posts of me saying that TRP is dying, going to die or will be dead soon if nobody does anything about it. Even now I hold on to this because of one simple indicator. This would be the population count on TRP. As of now, the maximum amount amount of people on TRP has been 14. Yes, 14. This is rather saddening if you look at HL2RP and STALKER rp, where the former has been been 30-35 on good days and the latter has been constantly full, to my dissapointment. (Not hating you guys, but I like my bar rp)

But what about those who just say that TRP is just in a slump due to the launch of SRP? Well, to those who have migrated from TRP to SRP, how many of you have actually come back?

But for those who are still there, keep fighting. You hold a large amount of power that you don't know you have. I've told this once, and I'll tell this again. You are the ones who help rebuild TRP or let it die. But now, my role is over. You must be able to create your own forms of roleplay, your own storylines without the assistance of administration. While they may be able to assist you, that task is largely up to yourselves. Even though I wanted to help, such abilities have been taken away from me, and along with such, my resolve to help the server has been broken. But this does not mean that I'm finished with roleplay in general, no. Driver's still being badass in HL2RP and Cyberpunk will be hotter then then sun, which will cause us to melt from it's awesomeness. If you want to see me, I'll be there.

And now for some last words to the TRP admin team.


Deadeye: You are by far the best admin on the TRP team.

Blank: While we never really saw eye to eye on some issues (Cough luddites) I thank you for supporting me in the end, as I had supported you.

Advantage: I honestly think you're a great leader. But however, you need to focus your attention more on TRP. It's in bad shape, and no optimism can fix that.

Nicco: I have little to say about you. Meh.

Pepesi: You're some sort of super troll.

Dave: GET ON TRP. SERIOUSLY. She needs you, mate.

Felix: Thank you for backstabbing me, and lying to my face.

I know you hated me. Though, even now, I don't hate you. I just laugh. Also, I regret nothing.

Aftershock unsuspended and reinstated as an HL2RP BA. He kept to the terms and conditions asked of him during his suspension well and we expect he'll continue to do so.

Lord Ultimatus to TA.

fol: gratz!
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