It's unusual for me to write such a large Roster Post, however I feel it's now necessary.
Over the past few months, there haven't been many changes within the upper echelons of the Administration in Taco N Banana, but after meetings we have found ourselves talking about extension onto our Team. Our RDA team hasn't always been small, and this is about to change.
After months of consideration, pre-planning, and now at the stage where we have approval throughout the RDA team for these people, I welcome four new people to the RDA Team.
Yoyo - A regular, dedicated Super Administrator. He knows to keep his cool, and has helped out through the ups and downs in HL2RP.
Playerzo - Since her return, Playerzo has provided a lot of great roleplay in terms of the server, aswell as providing input on the forums. Undisputedly, in the eyes of the RDAs, and for the first time myself, we believe that she is ready to ascend to her previous position as an RDA.
Nicco - Combo-Breaker, huh? Ever since I took a position alongside Dave as SEA, I said I wanted community equality. In some areas, this has been hard to get across, but I think this is a real changer in the way we run some aspects of TnB. Whereas before, I was picked as the 'RDA to watch over TRP' as I was a HL2 Player, and played a lot of TRP, for the first time in TnB's recent history, I'd like to welcome a non-HL2 Admin, who genuinely deserves this chance to become an RDA, and hold community-wide responsibility as needed.
Scorpia11 - Another return to the rank of RDA. Throughout the past few months, Scorpia has provided some brilliant atmosphere to the HL2 Servers, progressing the Resistance storyline most of all over the past few weeks. Welcome back :)
The_Last_Bredithren: WELCOME NEW KIDS.
Rayedit: Seeing FOUR new RDAs gave me a heart attack. Thanks. Also, grats.
foledit: gratz guys!
fe: have fun playing WoW nicco