Roster Admin Roster

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currently in ireland until around the 8th of august, this may hinder my availability due to hotel connections/daily activities

will keep everyone posted in the picwhore thread
im in ireland with rob and we're happily married as of right now

jokes aside, i'm feeling pretty burned out right now and have been for a (long) while. i still have holidays so i'm bound to dick around every now and then & probably still get on the server or drop another high-quality shitpost on the forums, but please don't involve me in any drama or anything that i don't pick up myself for a week or so. i've had just about enough of that for a while, both irl and here.

there's also the stress of keeping two cats from killing eachother which further adds to it; i have to pause frequently to look after them and while it's usually bearable there have been instances where i was afk for a bit after literally every single emote
Time to announce it. At the end of this week I am going onto E-LOA as I am shipping off to Basic Training for the Army. Once I complete it I will try as soon as I can to get back online. Thanks guys.

Airwatch for the timebeing will go through FlatPancake and whatever process he wants to move to if so.
I'm positive people have noticed I haven't been around too much on the servers recently; while I have absolutely no intent of leaving or anything like that I've been nosediving into a pit of 'burned out' for a few weeks now. I wish I could pinpoint the cause but I feel like it's just the fact I haven't been playing much of anything else and my creativity has kind of headbutted a roadblock at 60, so I'm gonna go on LOA for a while (kinda-sorta). I think I need a bit of time to 'detox' from HL2 to get my enthusiasm for the setting back, and just play something else for once!

I'll still be around to help out and drop posts and I'll be in certain things (The RR for example) but I probs won't be on server for a while in any real capacity.
Might as well get this post out of the way.

Going to be gone from the 8th to about the 20th. Not really a super long time but I won't be checking forums or anything like that really. Not making a post on the CCA roster because it isn't really long enough to warrant a post.

Speaking of CCA, field command please do hold up the fort while I'm away. If you have an issue that needs my immediate involvement I'll probably be able to check my steam mobile. The rest of my socio boys be good and all that shit, I appreciate all the things I see from you so keep it up.

Not gone quite yet but - have fun and see you guys soon. I'll be back.
LOA for roughly a week or two. Might be the rest of the month. Extenuating circumstances in my personal life(that I won't go into on here, I'm not one to air my problems in the open like this) have led to me being in no shape to administrate or lead my squad. So I'm going to take a break and reorient myself, and try to be back in the game by September at the latest, the 22nd of this month by the earliest.

This LOA is also for the CCA, I might find the time or the energy to get on every so often but if you have any issues relating to SHIELD or the CCA please direct them to @Somedude and not me, if it's something very serious or something that urgently needs my input, then you can try to contact me. If you have any questions about why I'm doing this, feel free to SF or PM me, I'm also usually on Discord and that's a quick way to get ahold of me. Otherwise, I'd like to take this time to handle my personal affairs without worrying too much about TnB or my own activity in the squad I run.
Moving to Lubbock in two days, starting school in ten. Aside from the fact that I'll be busy with my studies, I am no longer permitted to handle my vehicle and will likely be in more of a crunch for time than I would have been otherwise. I'm declaring this as an LOA, but I will resign if I cannot maintain good activity.
heads up, apparently my ex housemates took the router so until i get that sorted i won't be on the server unless my laptop still works and even then it won't be as often

I'll still be on the forums and sf and discord to shitpost ic and never be satisfied with any map anyone presents before me
long story short ill be pretty inactive for a while because of rl stuff (writing pretty much two exams a week starting soon, school student council stuff, class representive stuff, organizing the school representive vote & lgbtq stuff)

but im not resigning
(but yeah don't expect me to do a lot for a while; i'll probably limit my activity to weekends)
This isn't the post I wanted to be making, nor the one I thought I'd be making right now. But my LOA will be extended for another week, as opposed to ending when it should have(around now). I'm moving to a new place and won't have internet for another week, roughly. So until I get my internet I'll still be on LOA, sorry if my absence has been at all an inconvenience.
tyler franze is the t swift to captain's kanye

officially have internet back what up

pew confirmed for that guy who tried to turn the backlash of t swifts new trash into a sexism thing

rating spam is weak, do unjustified violence to my character like a real gangster
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