Roster Admin Roster

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Dark_Knight suspended for two days, abuse of admin and refusal to cooperate with fellow administrators. I don't care if it's funny, you don't do it. If you aren't sure its 'allowed' you wait or talk to the other admins on server. As it stands the other admins were not pleased with it so it astounds me as to why it was even done.
Me to LOA until Saturday. I'm working in Fairfax for $10 / hr resurfacing tennis courts. It isn't permanent, but I need the money. I need to go on LOA from the CCA until that time too.
Need to go on LOA again. Hopefully for not as long this time. Need money for a timing belt, the service is due soon. I'd do it myself but I don't have the Honda crank bolt remover tool.

Unless someome here has one I can borrow. I'll give it back. I promise.

[sub][sub]stevedit: bullshit no you won't you borrowed my lawnmower in 1979 and you still haven't brought it back

Soon enough we'll be switching to a moderation system focused on scaling down the amount of mods while maintaining the best of those persons.

Meanwhile however I'm adding one more mod.

Tipper to mod.
in arizona for a week

ain't doin' shit 'til i get back


We'll try keep the rabble in check, My Lord.
My activity will be fairly scarce over the coming weeks. This isn't intentional, this is real life hitting hard.

I'll be around all I can, as usual.
I'm taking another LOA again. I'm not entirely certain how long it'll last, but I'd suspect it's going to be at least a week, if not more. Life's hitting hard, exams are coming up, and I may flunk some courses, which would result in summer school. I need to get my life in order, ta-ta for now.

Queen's grace and luck to you, Mother. God's speed and return to us soon.
your avatar is funny and too bad you dont wing it like i do

Good luck, come back soon :3- SnS

People care? WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT. It may stretch into a month, tech camp if I don't fail, yay.

I'm back on a roll.
no autoplay because i dont like hearing it 24/7 and im sure u dont
Thor to:



I hereby claim this page in the name of HL2RP.

so the taint was cleansed

Adv: Took long enough.
I haven't been IG as much as I have wanted to, and I feel that I should put myself onto LOA until such a time comes appropriate where I have the time to contribute to the team once again.

Hopefully everything'll be in check by next month.
LOA for a week.
Going to Cyprus.
I'll be on the forums... rarely.

Don't get shot~!
All my love to you Grim. Bury me in your basement if I die.
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