Roster Admin Roster

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  • neotoxin

until further notice.

thor get out
Just a note: If all goes well, and I manage to get the funding I need for my holiday (which.. all going well today, I should) then I'll be away from Friday until Monday. If there's anything pressing that needs handling if you can direct it to mebeforehand as when I get back ill be spending a few days concentrating on my life plan, and stuff, while I have the energy and concentration to :).

hoplite would like to remind everybody that now is the time to panic
gangleider would like to remind everybody that this was just a drill. false alarm.

Grim would like to remind everyone of something completely different.
gross bro
SST admin SneakyCorndog has been accepted as a Terminator Administrator as a secondary position.

He can now choose between Cyan and Blue names at will.



pick more fabalously retro gay music why don't you. ROGERS. GREASE THE PURPLESHARK. WE'RE PUSHING IT IN RAW.
if were going in raw, why bother greasing him????
AllDayzSimon said:
I'd rather let you all tear yourselves apart than try to take control of a server that you made me cease caring for.

have fun

Simon is dead, long live Simon!
well that didnt last long. :( -general
Rayedit: 07 sweet prince

rampage: you're a smart man.
While we at the HL2:RP administration keep our ears open for those of you with concerns, there is an etiquette that one is expected to follow. Simon's behavior has been the exact opposite of what we are looking for in the team right now. While your intentions may have been good, the way you have handled things has been incredibly childish and downright ridiculous. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and even then you still managed to disappoint me even further. We seek to encourage the following attributes: flexibility, dedication, levelheadedness, self-control and wisdom, or at the very least the willpower to improve yourself for the sake of the community. If these attributes are not found then the system cannot function. We want the best of the best in the team and for that reason we cannot let one person make a mockery of the team, especially when we intend on releasing HL2RP soon.

I don't like removing admins, but will if I have to.

Y peeple bein' so ornery?

LOA for a few days, moving and girlfriend finally coming down to stay. Once things get settled in a few I'll be back on steam.
LOA until about 6:30-7:00PM EDT, I'm going to be playing Dragon Age for a bit.

pls come back soon i miss u
you posted a half hour loa wtaf
Zuppo Off LOA, finally settled in, and ready for hot, sweaty administration action.

WB and Green your name next time - fuxx
I dun green'd myself now - Z
Steve to Super Moderator.

trust me, yes it does rofl - neo
The HL2RP administration team grows stronger and stronger.

  • Satek




  • Satek

skoledit: welcome back to hl2rp administration you sexy person you, congrats!
You're winner - Z
Ty :D
I wasn't on official LOA, but I was taking my time moving back for the summer from university. I'm back now. :)
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