Roster Admin Roster

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Myself to LOA for personal reasons. I'll still be around on the forums/SF if needed.

These four put on activity check due to their prolonged inactivity. The time will remain undefined as you all have your own individual reasons, so it's in your hands whether or not you stay.

Hit me up on SF if you wish to dispute/talk about this.
Walker has taken the purple pill, and is henceforth promoted to the position of: HL2RP Trial Administrator Walker

Unless, wait, I think the purple pill had rufilin in it. Or did it?
Alright so the following are being put into SRP's "new" trial system. Well nothing is new about it we're just really late to the party -

Due to an extended LOA and a discussion between myself and Drakens a week prior to said LOA.. 7dast has been removed. Feel free to send any complaints to me via sf or forum pm.

Solidfury * to activity warning, this doesn't have any sort of waiting period before I decide you're active or not. It's entirely up to you, prove that you hold any interest as an administrator and this will all go away~

(I don't have a special image made to differentiate an SCL, admin and trial admin so use your imagination. It'd be great if someone could at least change the color of their names for me, whoever decides to do that SF me for some other things I need done related to this.)

DrakEdit: I'll see what I can do.
The man of science Mr.Wizard! Oh wait I mean Sgt.Sabo is back!

Sgt.Sabo ---> Sgt.Sabo

Behold the SCIENCE!!!!

if he's a supermod why doesnt he just do it himself
Sabo: Cause Heidi's nice and offered.
Ethic to Ethic

And I'm back from LOA now(short I know right), a LOT quicker than expected. Hopefully it will stay this way.
Sir Setzer

Marked activity warning for Moderation. Get back to me why you should honestly keep Moderator status if you're not using it.
Yoyo to Yoyo

Going on a short LOA. I'm going out of town this weekend, and then I have to focus on getting ready for university. I'll still be online on Steam (except for this weekend).

I better not come back to find myself removed for, "Failure to attend admin meeting", or "Inactivity". Just saying. See you all in the next week or so.​

Stalker: o7 yoyo, removed due to having a real life as RDA
Yoyo: I don't know man... these days? Wouldn't surprise me.
walker: rip yoyo, u guys better listen to what he says
Sabo: Yoyo from RDA > Player due to failure to attend admin meetings and general inactivity.
Foley to Foley

Pretty much exactly the same ordeal as Yoyo. I am going off to my Uni/Apartment and will be back on sunday. Available occationally on steam through my Iphone and I don't wish to be removed for inactivity or some shit (:

SnoodEdit: Safe journey, son.
Crimzon out of Mod status, choose to resign because of real life issues. Toss me a message when you got some time and we'll talk.

Ves removed - partially quit. Talk to me if you're interested.

Keep has one day to send me a message on the forums (my SF is having issues, I'll try to get on tonight) explaining why he has not done much as a Moderator.
Myself to LOA until next Wednesday, forgot to post this but I'm in Sweden for the week (:
If someone could please edit the roster--this data roaming is both expensive and slow as fuck.

Sabo: Done.
walker: rip gang
Flare passed his trial stage, quick note for the others--don't see this is disheartening in any way.. just need you to sizzle on the trial stage barbecue a bit longer.

Sabo: I like my admins well done, please.
enedit: Flare to Flare, Dr. Weird to Dr. Weird, Chad to Chad
Myself to LOA.

It's that time of year again. I'll be gone for a week, from Sunday 7/29/12 to Saturday 8/4/12, volunteering as an Assistant Scoutmaster with my old Boy Scout troop.
I resign from all my current positions within TnB. Both factions and administrative.

I don't have much to say in regards to my resignation. I just feel that it's time for me to move on. I've finished high school and am preparing to fulfill my ambitions of studying medicine which isn't as far off as I expected. I wouldn't say that I've made a mistake when taking my recent role as I didn't see myself wanting to leave, at least not at the time. But anyway, toodles

we'll become professional dota 2 players, me and u
walker: rip felix
enedit: [youtube]Cp8x1LKS91s&autoplay=1[/youtube]
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