Roster Admin Roster

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FooFighter to Supermod.

As the few people who actually stood with me in my attempts to contribute to this community know, I've been contemplating this for quite a while now. I've cared a great deal about HL2RP and still do in a way, and by no means was this an easy decision for me to make but here's the thing: I've finally burnt out. I've kept a smile on my face as I dealt with all the circlejerking and powerget, the metagaming coming from the highest echelons of power and the play-to-win attitude so heavily present on both sides of the fence. I've given my best, invested more time into HL2RP then most spend on their day jobs and that was on top of my real-life studies and efforts to earn money so I could actually go to college some day.

It wasn't enough. I couldn't break the glass ceiling imposed upon anyone who tries to change things for the better. To Operator and his friends - congratulations. You've won. I hope you will succeed to benefit the community with your ideals; with me gone and Zo on LOA there's nobody standing in your way anymore. Go ahead and return S1 to the old status quo, keep enforcing it with an iron fist. I've said enough and will rest my voice from now on. To everybody else, I am sorry, and good luck. You're gonna need it.

See you guys on SRP. Maybe TRP as well, now that it appears to be coming back. Cheers.

gang: bye ill miss you x
adv: You cant even leave without a paragraph. Cya :), and no hard feelings.
zo: No hard feelings, just a six hour signature.
walker: how funny of you to say so, advantage. ^^
See, I figure, I'm a risk-taker. If there's a risk to be had that is. Now, see, I figure, cookies were at a risk. Sabo's really good at fetching them, and personally, they mean a lot to me. So we had robots, but well, Sabo got those. Damn him. I figure, well, humans are better then robots, so I go:

Heidi Lynn to Super Moderator.

Protect the cookies. And the forum too, but that's a second priority. If you have a problem with one of these noble cookie guards, come to me or another RDA. Initiative is initiative, and I won't let false reputations regarding eating peanut butter squares stop me from making the choice based of skill and performance.

This is a professional post.
Sabo: The cookies are mine.
Heidi Lynn: Nope, the cookies are for me and my Xen Creatures :P
chad; im a fuckign gentleman
Stalker: SCIENCE COOKIES. They are regular cookies, but with extra SCIENCE... and radiation.
Myself on LOA till 9'th July. (cba to change colors)

Heidi: Fixed the color for you, I will change it back when you come back :)
v. thanks
Activity warnings suspended for now. Inactive admins are an issue, though beyond that of our own RDA team, isn't that bad. It's rather decent. The problem more so lacks in the desire of initiative, though I'll talk about that later. Sniffles2 is on daily when he is here with his brother, playing. Riley Haven is on daily as well, doing well enough for me. Foley's activity warning will stand, but no action will be taken because there is thought that he may have lost his ability to play and or is out of country. He'll be allowed to explain when he arrives.
chad to srp scl

unanimous decision of clowns et al

enedit: Do you ever shut the fuck up? Or is this just what you do all day, thinging you are funny. Well I have the news for you. Revenge is best served cold, that's what my papa said, I entered the room, the smile on their face was bigger and broader then the hips of the sexist woman at the russian strip-hip clubs hips that he had visited at regularly hips. And in reality Hellfang, the truth, you that you are a useless jackass, and no ones gonna miss ya. Gosd bless- from the nest.

dahc; thread locked to avoid anymore flaming...
As promised, I have returned to dwell in this lair of ... erm... well... Someone fill in the blank!

Foley to Active Admin of HL2RP

Removed/resigned/quit/left/FORCEFULLY KICKED OUT/whatever. You weren't active enough man, sorry.
Me to LOA. SF me if you need to know more.

Might be on from time to time but can't promise much activity for the next week or so.
Plat from Super Mod to not a Super Mod. Can speak to me when he's back.

Tipper from not a Super Mod to oh god he's a mod.

Don't fuck up, since it's likely back on me.

Oh, and add yourself to the roster.

walker: the mod army has turned
tipper: thats kawaii
enedit: i like pep peps
Flare the big bear demoted to SRP admin.

zo: I'm disappointed in your failure, Flare.
walker: rip srp
enedit: nobodys gona miss ya
Sniffles honorably resigns from SCL and is positioned as a HL2 admin.

Felix from HL2 Admin to Sub Community Leader.

enedit: Let me the fist to say!. Congratulations?
walker: rip hl2rp
Felix unsuspended. I hope he's learned his lesson!

enedit: I wont stand for this trolling. On the event, that possibly this real? Felix, your an idiot. See me ater class.
keepedit: felix of arabia strikes again.
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