TnB 2023 Update

As someone that’s been watching TNB and been around off and on since 2014, I wanted to say looking at the community now has been really amazing to see. I truly never expected it to be this way. We all know TnB has insane (FBI watchlist) lore and repeated cabala sort of groups that have decided who and shouldn’t be permitted to truly be involved in roleplay throughout the years… not to mention the relentless bullying the groups would send your way if they decided they didn’t like you. I don’t see that anymore. I don’t refresh the forums to see people constantly sending jabs at each other via shoutbox or threads. Even in OOC on server, people meme and poke harmless fun at one another, but I barely ever see true toxicity.

I truly miss old faces and I completely understand why some people left. It’s truly a more welcoming and it’s rare I see any blatant toxicity that used to run rampantly and openly.

I hope they look at TNB for what it is today and give it another chance.

Thank you TnB for being here for all of us to scratch the random niche interest that only TNB HL2RP can satisfy. Merry Christmas, all!
I've had a good year here, for the most part.

I've made some pretty good friends like roman1177 roman1177 Ava Ava Eorvek Eorvek that I'm absolutely grateful for, and I'm thankful I've been able to write interesting stories and create things for others to enjoy as well this year.

I'd say the community has overall improved over the year as @Willowisp mentioned, I joined during C17 in around 2014-2015 and people were absolutely horrendously toxic to each other. Constant snide remarks and toxicity that made me feel unwelcome half the time or afraid to step out of the box and try something new.

It's not like that anymore, which is a step in the right direction. Now if we can just stop RDMing new players.............
Belated post since I've had a wonderful birthday/Christmas gift that was a severe sinus infection, but happy holidays to everyone here!

While my involvement the past few months has been on-and-off, I still think it's been an incredibly solid year for TnB as a whole, with amazing people behind the insane amount of high quality content we've been experiencing for a while on HL2. Another great year of hanging out with excellent people such as (but obviously not limited to) roman1177 roman1177 , W Watchperson , Eorvek Eorvek , kami kami , Fractal-Ryft Fractal-Ryft , Pro1914 Pro1914 , Wiz Wiz , etc.

Additionally, I'll give a special shoutout to AverageTheJoe AverageTheJoe . Hank Kallesson has been an excellent character so far, and it's been an awesome year with them back in the community.

Here's to an awesome year and happy holidays! Can't wait to see what's in store for 2024.
I don't play anymore and was rightfully shoved out of power and position while back.

I was cruel to people, got wrapped up in the wrong crowd, got power and started going mad. I burned a lot of bridges here and fucked off a lot of people. To those I hurt, I'm sorry and to those who I kept out of any groups I controlled because you wouldn't bow to me, I'm also sorry.

To see this community still thrive without people like who I used to be in it brings a tear of joy - well done everyone, this is something to be proud of and I wish you all the best.
I don't play anymore and was rightfully shoved out of power and position while back.

I was cruel to people, got wrapped up in the wrong crowd, got power and started going mad. I burned a lot of bridges here and fucked off a lot of people. To those I hurt, I'm sorry and to those who I kept out of any groups I controlled because you wouldn't bow to me, I'm also sorry.

To see this community still thrive without people like who I used to be in it brings a tear of joy - well done everyone, this is something to be proud of and I wish you all the best.'s xeanos...
I don't play anymore and was rightfully shoved out of power and position while back.

I was cruel to people, got wrapped up in the wrong crowd, got power and started going mad. I burned a lot of bridges here and fucked off a lot of people. To those I hurt, I'm sorry and to those who I kept out of any groups I controlled because you wouldn't bow to me, I'm also sorry.

To see this community still thrive without people like who I used to be in it brings a tear of joy - well done everyone, this is something to be proud of and I wish you all the best.
I for one would be glad to see you back on the server if you ever have time to commit.
I myself wasn't part of the same breed of toxicity most of yall are talkin about in this thread, but I was an annoying shithead in my own right.

That said, the way this community has grown and evolved genuinely brings a smile to my face. Especially seeing all these oldheads and how they've changed over the years. Since returning on TRP3 I've had nothing but good times and been treated like I never even had a history. It's a great atmosphere and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

also I'm a day late but, Merry Christmas.
I don't play anymore and was rightfully shoved out of power and position while back.

I was cruel to people, got wrapped up in the wrong crowd, got power and started going mad. I burned a lot of bridges here and fucked off a lot of people. To those I hurt, I'm sorry and to those who I kept out of any groups I controlled because you wouldn't bow to me, I'm also sorry.

To see this community still thrive without people like who I used to be in it brings a tear of joy - well done everyone, this is something to be proud of and I wish you all the best.
seconding pirate on you ever having the chance to have time to commit. when you were in your element cooking up events they were some of the best roleplay experiences I’ve had. good to see you years later man
Holy cow xeanos xeanos

Well, I got no idea if ya remember me, I was the last non admin Vort lead in C17. But uh, ye, been a while. I forgive ye for the shit that happened back then. Hell, I was pretty toxic back then.

To all I harmed over the past 9-10 years, I am sorry. I am deeply mentally ill for most of the time and was un-medicated for most of it... I still end up a lot of times un-medicated sometimes, but... yeah. I also came from a community that makes TnB seem downright nice. Starcraft II's roleplaying community (its very dif in how it works, closer to D&D with everyone being a DM tbh). That community made me paranoid, reactive, and I was unmedicated on top of that when I came here so yeah.

That said, TnB has been a littera lifesaver to me. I've litterally made a choice between ending my life and getting on tnb and had fun the same night I was planning to... yeah. But I'm glad we're all still here, and I plan on doing my best to try and be my very best for this server. Both in how I interact with other players, and other staff. I know I wont be perfect, but when I'm not, even if I'm reactive, remind me of my goals 'ere.

Heres to another 9-10 years.
I fucking hate all admins and I remember every time someone has slighted me in this community. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to only rebel roleplayers and SRP freedom.
I don't play anymore and was rightfully shoved out of power and position while back.

I was cruel to people, got wrapped up in the wrong crowd, got power and started going mad. I burned a lot of bridges here and fucked off a lot of people. To those I hurt, I'm sorry and to those who I kept out of any groups I controlled because you wouldn't bow to me, I'm also sorry.

To see this community still thrive without people like who I used to be in it brings a tear of joy - well done everyone, this is something to be proud of and I wish you all the best.
love yall even if i dont love yall. tnb's level of storytelling and collaborative writing can't be topped anywhere else even at its lowest points. hope this plays stays a haven for aspiring writers or any gamer who enjoys this niche type of gaming experience

"live laugh love" - @icecreeper

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