Information THE GREAT CAMPAIGN | A Comprehensive Overview for the Uprising

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Saver of TnB
HL2 - Subcommunity Leader
Jan 29, 2015




As Earth prepares for its turn into the new year, the normally cold, quiet winters have been supplanted with the fiery embers of conflict on a scale not seen since the 7 Hour War. In Europe, the destabilization of City 13 and the deafening silence of the Global Administrator has created waves of turmoil far beyond the reaches of their own city. What was once a continent that could be compared to that of a black, starless night illuminated solely by a distant moon has exploded into colorful fields of stars, some coalescing with others, some staking their own spots in the sky alone, but all vying for their own supremacy in their grand luminance.

In several cities, representatives of the Global Administration have taken their side in the conflict and allowed themselves to be subsumed to the totalitarian will of Overwatch and the Sector Commander in whole cooperation with what they perceive to be either the true arm of the Combine, or simply the side which they would rather not risk being the losing subjects to in the wake of the Sector Commander's declaration against the Global Administration in the form that it had existed in.

In direct opposition to this is the forces of the United Nations, composed largely of the bloated, authoritarian political and military bodies of UNECA, with leadership found in its rejuvenated and reformed United Nations Security Council, a coalition of Citadel representatives and members of the Global Administration who either truly believe its service in Breen's will or as an effort to wrest control back into the hands of a traditional global government to administrate over Earth in its status quo collaboration.

Between these two, however, are the forces of the global resistance who have taken action in the chaos in the name of overthrowing their former oppressors. In several cases, as well, many other Administrators and figures of authority alike have come to use the global confusion to seize their own perceived kingdoms from Overwatch and the grasp of global authority, tearing down the Combine's banners in place of their own colors and symbols of their cities.

City 17, the known capital of the global order, remains in blackout without the guidance of Breen. The trains to and from Nova Prospekt continue to make their trips, but the routes used now cross directly into active warzones, pseudo-fiefdoms, and a wasteland no longer granted the luxury of the security of UNECA's conscript forces, making consistent trips less and less of an assurance with each day that passes.



In City 13, lines have been drawn, and trenches dug, becoming one of the focal points of the greater conflict which has consumed the world beyond. The Civil Authority, led and backed by the recently ascended Division Leader 60036 and Sector Commander 58572, with their added installation of the Administration of Laura Sorvad, actively wages in open conflict against the forces of the resistance and the Yamazaki Consulate, the latter of which has come to embed itself with the United Nations' coalition. From this, several webs of plotting and conflict have emerged as the city continues to spiral out of control, with the forces of the resistance caught between the ire of two formidable, militaristic foes. Night hardly sets on City 13 anymore, as the freezing darkness seems to always be fighting with the eternal blazes that now permeate throughout the city.


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After a sudden, lengthy silence on all fronts, all word from City 15- the urban center once known as Budapest- seems to have mysteriously ceased. Some rumors stir that whatever had happened to City 15 may have been a result of the chaos that has enveloped City 13... Beyond this, little else can be speculated, as even the underground networks formerly located in the city have gone dark.

In Precinct 6, following several days of extensive fighting in the area, the Civil Authority's forces have been able to secure the Portal Nest and Outer Perimeter Gate, giving them several advantageous points of transportation and access throughout the region.​

Maintaining the momentum of the people, armed fighters of the resistance were able to secure the Outer Depot and thoroughly entrench themselves, gaining a vital access point to the City 13's rail networks.​

Pushed from their primary HQ in Precinct 6's District 2, forces of UNECA were able to secure the Communications Relay in the outlands, taking military quarter in the old home that once sat adjacent to it, both re-establishing their HQ and reopening a connection to a plethora of tactical aid from the U.N. forces beyond the walls.​
Some of you may have already gotten foreword on this, but to provide a proper heads up and an update on the matter: After consideration and review of the mechanic, we will be removing the objective system fully for the time being, and as such, this thread will primarily serve moreso as a basic primer for the events of the Uprising in this chapter of the Half-Life 2 server. It was a nifty idea, but we have come to the conclusion that the system overly emphasizes what should've otherwise been considered a supplemental feature at most and injected a majorly overly-competitive sentiment to a largely narrative-driven foundation, and any resolution to that only inversely made the system even more of a convoluted mess.

We will be fully rolling the feature back and returning more to our regular style of play for the Uprising where importance of locations are based more upon the narrative and individual perception of importance, rather than specific locations on the map being artificially designated importance for the benefit of one side or another.
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