Information The End of Terminator RP

That wraps it up for this Terminator iteration. I had a fucking blast and I sure as hell hope everyone else did along the way.

Once again I'd like to collectively thank all of the admins and faction leaders throughout the years that made this server what it was. I still remember the first day of the server opening like it was yesterday, spamming the join button while it was still locked. The last couple of days matched that same fuzzy feeling I had all the way back then, and I'm very happy with it.

We all know that this server had its problems - faction reforms, new attempts at making SkyNET scarier, different antagonists - we did it all, but despite all of the flaws, this server really was something special to a lot of us. Over the last three years this admin team did its absolute best to bring a different experience to TnB and I believe we accomplished that in a very grand way. There's still several things I would've liked to change -- and I'm sure many of you feel the same way, but at the end of the day, we made everything work and had a whole lot of fun doing it.

Some of you might be wondering what's next for Terminator as a setting. Rest assured that there will be RRs to come for this setting, and I hope to see all of you there.

Share some of your favorite moments below if you want.

Trp was my first experience with a TNB server and I will always have super fond memories of it.

As cheesy as it sounds, I still remember trying to get Gumby to an NCO ranks as if it mattered. When I joined, Bravo was much less of a popular squad compared to Alpha, which is why I wanted to stay with it. When catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘ told me to lead the pioneers, I thought I was the shit. I legit took time out of my school work to work on that guide that I made. I realize how fucking wack that is now, but at the time, I loved it.

Another fond memory that I have is almost anything to do with the Long Rifles. Probably the first time that I had ever felt scared on the server was when kelso kelso did psychological ware fare shit with Karlsson. I still remember looking at that knife in the cabin in utter shock.

Anyways, I just want to thank everyone for the fond memories. Theyā€™ll definitely stick with me.
I first joined this server around the NR time, and didn't really stick out much with my char, or any other ones. I cannot remember the leaders of NR for the life of me, but thank you so much for giving me an unforgettable experience! I left shortly after and found myself returning about a year ago, if not more, creating my char Lennox Gunn, which I quickly loved getting into the groove of things and making an actual story. People like verd verd OzTheWizard OzTheWizard and Fonzie49 Fonzie49 truly made it a fun experience for me, and helped me along the way the entire time.

I didn't play after about February of 2020, coming back to it right at the end to end my char off.

However the best experience was the final day, spending it with a variety of people, and loving every second being able to play as 'Static', HardHat HardHat character, he allowed me to truly experience TRP to its fullest and I'm extremely grateful for the RP I dished out for everyone else.

Thank you for a wonderful time on this server! And I look forward to the future!
I remember when I first started out on TRP and was all obsessed with the ranks since I had come from playing Star wars rp and the like. I quickly learned however that it wasn't the amount of bots you dropped it was more about the character behind the gun. Taking the time in and outside the game to characterize Ray and scrounge up development here and there gave me a far greater connection to the world we had created. My fondest memories were definitely whenever Bravo was a quiet and unpopular squad full of new players. It was I think a big moment for me and my character to step up and do my best to take the new recruits/players under my wing. I'll always see that as a turning point for my character and a change in how seriously I took some aspects of the server. Highly disappointed I couldn't make the finale but I think I ended up with a better ending for my character than I had planned to give.

My only regret aside from not being able to come to the final event was not stepping up and trying to create my own events and stuff. I had ideas but never felt they could stack up compared to everything else that was being made.

Mickee Mickee Gumby Gumby Fonzie49 Fonzie49 catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘ kiwi kiwi verd verd and other OOC names I forget
Yall really made this server for me. Thanks for being involved in my character regardless of how little or how much.
guess i might as well make my own list of favorite moments huh

the boys runnin together at the very start of the server. was honestly so strange to see all of our characters end up at radically different places a year later after sticking together for the first two weeks of the server fiending to join tc Ź‡oį“‰É¹Ź‡ÉŌ€ Ź‡oį“‰É¹Ź‡ÉŌ€ bungo bungo 7dast 7dast and honestly countless others

when kenneth bradley had everyone tell skar he was dead so she sprinted into the medbay into a panic, then he woke up laughing his ass off. wish i still had the picture your ass drew as an apology note to her with their hands holding, it was fucking hilarious 7dast 7dast

running around for the first month with a mossberg decapitating t700s with slug rounds. Desrat456 Desrat456 should remember this very well... he was the recipient of this several times

mostly every single interaction i had with red was done by jumbo shrimp jumbo shrimp so honest to god bless you for that, still one of my favorite interactions in rp ever. having skar grow terrified of shibata-bot as she did due to how you played him as a stalker was honestly perfect

all of the boys sittin in the nco lounge... Therapist Therapist Lushsalmon123 Lushsalmon123 catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘ OhYeah290 OhYeah290 Detective Zero Detective Zero LandOfTheFree LandOfTheFree and really a fuck ton others lol

after fiending over getting staff sergeant for ever and spamming catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘ about it for fucking EVER, bermudez finally promoted skarzynska and it was one of the most rewarding things for me on the server period Zombiedude101 Zombiedude101 . bermudez and skar's interactions were brilliant and i wish he was around more before the end

Enraged Enraged catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘ Abaddon Abaddon bungo bungo Ammo Ammo when all of command dipped in firefall (i think it was that operation, anyways?) and got recalled to a pacific command base was based (no pun intended). it gave all of us a chance to see how the server would do without any tc high leadership at the time and it was fucking hell - a very beautiful hell, at that

Kat_ Kat_ skar and wilson :( i still remember her death and how legitimately sad i was about it, in no small part due to skar being a factor in it and guilting herself significantly in the aftermath. me and you can make some really cool character dynamics man and it's been too long since we've actually done that

Ammo Ammo people will say what they want about the northern republic but i still think it was one of the best things to happen to trp. i still remember rolling around with that cool ass model on a character that became known as vertumnus; everything to do with the nr really set me up to have one of my favorite characters across any rp server i've ever played

catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘ the late night/early morning talks between most (if not all) of our characters. wouldn't trade those for anything in the world. marshall (vert) and dalton in particular had such a twisted relationship by the end

cindyslug cindyslug 's morgan swain coming out as an infiltrator and capturing half of the server in the tunnel on apocalypse was super fucken based. i remember when nov and ramos sneaked up on a vestie themselves and disarmed the dude just to turn him into a human shield. i should have pics of that somewhere... catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘

when vert revealed her identity to sherman and sherman rejected her entirely, causing vertumnus to go on the path she did kiwi kiwi . very based but i regret we didn't do more

the weeks of vertumnus sniping in the marsh. one of the more enjoyable things i did n i love that it gave people some lasting effects when all was said and done TheGr8Spade TheGr8Spade catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘ Sweetness Sweetness Subeh Subeh Braker Braker kiwi kiwi wester wester kelso kelso Nenko Nenko

the dynamic between deanna, dalton and vertumnus during all of this was also the best connection i've really ever had with a set of characters. deanna needing brain surgery, vertumnus wanting to help but being unable due to... well, being a wanted murderer Sweetness Sweetness catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘

noviello fighting leanna in the ring was still something i feel bad for, just because she was trying so hard but couldn't get anywhere with it Chiss Chiss

noviello and vasilije going back and forth calling eachother big chief, big hoss, massive boss and all of this weird shit. i don't think either of us understand why this became a joke between our characters (and us by extension) but honestly when i walked up on noviello and they immediately started saying the shit again @ the finale i about lost it giggling Stierlexia! Stierlexia!

I MISS THE FKIN BRAVO BOYS WHEN NOV WAS A SERGEANT OH MY FKIN GODDDDDDDDDDD catwhovibes <šŸ‘ catwhovibes <šŸ‘ @balton (make a forum acc bitch) TheGr8Spade TheGr8Spade Robe Robe @a lot of other people that made it super fun

the dynamic of natasha and vertumnus going from enemies to partners in the end was something really special to me. after the simulation they just wandered around together for a week and it was really the best rp me and you ever had kelso kelso

also... everyone that was involved in the t-870 simulation Flood Flood verd verd kelso kelso and our characters being extremely defensive over each other, like when vertumnus was revealed in the cnc and it about broke off into a complete mexican standoff

Stupid Snake Stupid Snake vertumnus and lysse had that mother-daughter vibe going on and it really was fucking awesome, considering that vertumnus had lost her actual daughter during the war w/ tc some years before

Sweetness Sweetness the one last night deanna and vert shared before deanna died. i'm always gonna remember that scene and i'll probably always regret that i'll never know what could've come after that

and then finally... the finale. kelso kelso Dave c: Dave c: Dinky Dinky Nenko Nenko verd verd Stierlexia! Stierlexia! Flood Flood @balton (make an account bitch) i couldn't have had vertumnus die with a finer group of characters. ty to all of you for accompanying her with that nuke and really driving home that the resistance had to suffer heavy losses in order to win. it made the ending to the server that much better

i'm sure i'm going to be editing this and adding more things that i really can't remember all at once but there really are so many good moments to remember it's insane
okay how bout
i joined tnb late 2018 and thought trp was the most sophisticated shit ever, especially when one of the medics teaching us med rp linked and told us to read a medical DoD document. Kinda put a bad taste in my mouth but to see that many people actively roleplaying was eye opening to me, so i kept going. Eventually I met Bailol Bailol and he helped me out and gave me my first plasma weapon, and I was excited. I distinctly remember out conversation and how I said the 45 watt was ā€˜The SCAR-Hā€™ of plasma rifles. i know you just nodded your head and said yea for your own health lmao.
from then on out it was smooth sailing. imagine my surprise when i sprayed down a t-800 with my 30 watt and he rpā€™d it doing nothing. lmao.

noteable mention s

verd verd i first thought of you of a really awesome rper initially and was kinda geekin i was getting to be friends with a vet, then i realized we really meshed well and kinda just became homies. you really taught me how to take more confidence in my rp and ultimately myself. i thank you for that bro.

Nenko Nenko you were a real one from the jump and you started to rp with someone who was clearly new and really helped develop my capabilities, and made some awesome stories. i thank u for that my friend, hope you get more gordon freeman endings.

LolMan LolMan this ape is a menace. honestly forgot when we met but we always got along well and had one hell of a time no matter the occasion. keep up the party homie. berts gun is safe with me.

kelso kelso lmao man, we really did that shit huh. not much to say on that note, thanks for being you homie.

skylion skylion mortar. but you have so much patience and do so much for no reason and put up with a collective community of meā€™s. youā€™re cool my dude, big wet kisses.
I had so many great moments in Trp and with legit everyone on the server made it better.

Some of the main operations events were amazing . like one when 870s became a thing.

I made a radio disc jockey ā€œTwo-Dog from fallout 3ā€ sadly got PKā€™

War Crimes

Tech-Com always having no ammo

Some of the best S2RP moments

Infiltrating a asset base dressed up as assets

Rainbow 6 event

hand to hand fist fights

Making the dumbest decisions in S2RP

Fighting a shit ton of cannibals

Actually being scared when fighting Reavers or 870s

Or the time when I got home and played during a event and my character accidentally killing members of gamma squad, got off and had a beer. Three days later had to kill my character. Got up and had another beer

But everything and every moment I been on was amazing
Where do I even start? From the beginning, I guess. I was pretty new to GMod roleplay and I thought the idea of a server around the Terminator films sounded really interesting. I still remember going up onto JG's roof and seeing a 600 far off in the distance and thinking, "HOLY SHIT IS THAT A TERMINATOR?" The mystique didn't last, but the memories I have from TRP definitely will. I'm gonna miss the hell out of this place.

BRAVO SQUAD, there are far too fucking many people to tag for this one but god bless all of you. I had so much fun being with you fellas and leading the squad, doing whatever with Ramos or Sonia and just vibing with the boys. You know who you are and we cleared the way like nobody else. Bless up.

baby baby Marilyn and Dalton's brief connection before she went off to pursue her career was sad as fuck, especially with how hard it was for her to leave Dalton behind, knowing they might never see each other again. It only lasted three days but I'm still feeling it today.

skylion skylion Every single character of yours was great to interact with, but none more than Vert. Dalton went from being her close friend to absolutely loathing her, to being something of a close friend again and then loathing her again and finally settling on reconciling with her shortly before her death. It went so many ways and it could have gone so many more, just because of how deep she was as a person.

Sweetness Sweetness Deanna and Dalton. A year and a quarter of some of the most gutwrenching roleplay I've ever had. Deanna's death broke my heart and it sure as hell broke Dalton's, too. Even now, I'm still not really over it. Thank you.

bungo bungo Of all the people I thought would end up married, Clarke and Ramos probably ranked near the bottom of that list, but it happened and I'm glad it did. It was a spot of hope in Dalton's usually pretty grim life.

kiwi kiwi Sherman was a great counterpoint to Ramos's generally more idealistic and "proper" ways. She was always happy to knock him on the head to get him back on track and I really enjoyed it.

kelso kelso As rare as they were, Nat and Dalton's heart-hearts like before they went into Chrono or after Deanna's funeral were always meaningful. I wish they'd had more time to interact with each other like that.

Robe Robe Crosier and Ramos were another pair of contrasts between more disciplinary minded leadership and more father figurely stuff, and it was always fun to compare the two.

Kat_ Kat_ Charlotte was Dalton's partner in crime lawbringing and Mairead was the daughter he thought he'd never have. Both were amazing to roleplay with.

I'll probably add more stuff as it comes to me, so bear with me. Lots of stuff to go through.
I sat down with my morning coffee today and read through all the responses on this thread, enraged's thread, and the pitter patter in the discord.

Quite frankly I've said my piece to the team and those who spent their time on server playing the characterless antagonists, SkyNET, and I'm not going to bore everyone by doing it again.

Simply put, thank you. We overcame obstacles and had a great time with the server. I'm happy to say in no uncertain terms we had the privilege of administrating the best playerbase of all time.
I'll miss TRP. I may have had my gripes as I said elsewhere, but I wouldn't change a thing.

I'd love to see it pop up again in RR's and P-TRP. See where it goes; have a Siberia-esque setting where the tone is much grittier.

I was particularly proud to be part of the team around the time we ran the Fall of Fresno, where TC was forced southwards all the way to the Mexican border and forced to forge new alliances with the cells of Frente Humano. Made for some memorable moments even when we were using /ev, gbombs and rpa_youtube and effects to project the image of a grand battle between rival cells offmap.
"I could totally kill the two FH leaders on my Inf and cause chaos because of where we are."

"Lol do it, see what happens - we give you our permission."

And that was how my Inf almost got the entirety of Bakersfield killed in Mexico if people hadn't of been smooth talkers. I'm fairly sure it pushed the staff team to radically change things near the end but they didn't mind it (which I'm glad for).

Only reason I got off with that at all was because Kerrigan was trying to slice into my Inf's arm when we had no medical supplies and everyone freaked the fuck out on her for it - and later, we found out she planned to shoot me anyway and she got caught which spun the attention off of me entirely.
I said this before for other server iterations closing, and about RP in general.

After awhile, all the drama and bullshit and the really annoying stuff kind of lose their sting. You just remember the good times more. Maybe it's romanticism.

TRP, whatever the hell it was, was what it was. Once we accepted that after years of fighting against it, and if you went with it if you wanted to, there was some good fucking times.
I rather enjoyed TRP, it was my first proper venture into serious RP as I finally broke out of the cocoon that was Semi-Serious HL2 and Star War RPs for me.

Certainly my most enjoyed moments were S2King with some Assets on that Pripyat-ish map with the Lenin statue. The brief, mid-ranged firefights as we tried to spot shooters in windows gave me an odd abundance of S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Yugoslavian War vibes which was a pleasant note. I also enjoyed RPing the harvester attack that nabbed Hendricks for a bit and helping medicalise people afterwards. I very much enjoyed the interactions with the Smiths as well as Rex and Hendricks.

In general, the experience as a whole was brilliant. I should agree with all the thanks to staff and players.
I know that a lot of people and myself clashed and said mean things to one another. I wasnā€™t the nicest of people when it came to how I wanted certain things to be. However, I always knew that when it came to the server everyone always agreed that we wanted it to be fun. We could put aside our disagreements in the essence of having fun.

TRP was one of the first TnB servers that I was given the privilege to admin and develop story for. I thank all of those who were apart of that journey and apologize to all those who I stomped on to get what I wanted.

Iā€™m sad that I missed the final event but I was too busy playing call of duty and worrying about girlfriends that I didnā€™t even really give TRP a second thought.

However, it warms my heart to see everyone be fulfilled by the stories that a lot of the admins worked incredibly hard on.

nice job nerds
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