This makes me think of Helldivers shoulder rocket launcher. Where one man can wear the launcher ammo backpack for an instant reload of the weapon operators launcher if well coordinated.Honestly, one thing I only got a bare taste of but never saw in real practice was crew-served weapons. If people were forced to operate in teams to man the BIG GUNS I think that'd be dope as hell.
You got one guy carrying the mortar, and another carrying all the shells in his backpack made from an old milk cart. Make the guy carrying the ammo pass a round one at a time to the mortar shooter-player, and you got a healthy rythm going, one that makes both players equally as important rather than just having the ammo carrier being a bitch.
Make it so it can never be reprogrammed ever. Ever.ask him what he does with his tongue
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This makes me think of Helldivers shoulder rocket launcher. Where one man can wear the launcher ammo backpack for an instant reload of the weapon operators launcher if well coordinated.
It's my soldier's wise cracking yet equally as capable side-kick.pop off only on occasion, brother