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I started this about 6 months ago originally as a canals server idea, but then realised I could make something more of it.

Picked up on it a few days ago and did a load of work to restructure this original StalkerRP map into something thats actually useful for us.

So, the plan is........

  • To combine server 1/2/3 dynamics by having all aspects in one map. To maximise the amount of players on a single server rather than spreading across 3 or 4.
  • The center of the map is what we consider "City roleplay".
  • A perimeter wall runs around the district 360 degrees.
  • On the other side of the perimeter wall, is considered canals / outlands territory.
  • The entire map is one huge dilapidated urban zone but surrounded by mixed scrubland, warehouses, farmhouses, old buildings etc.
  • Those who want to do Citizen roleplay can do so.
  • Those who want to do resistance roleplay can leave the city realistically by actually escaping through one of many methods.
  • By using transition points, anyone who has been to server 2 will then respawn back into the map already in the outland areas so they dont have to keep spawning inside the perimeter wall.
  • Also has canals, sewers, underground labs, bunkers.
  • Outland area is extensive with at least 5 key safehouses at each corner of the map rather than most where the rebels always hide in one spot. CCA / COTA patrols outside of the perimeter walls will have a long task to check all of the spots routinely.
  • Totally open plan layout.

I'll be hopefully running a stress test tomorrow night after I do a final compile and get it all uploaded to workshop.

In terms of optimisation, I have a decent PC so its hard to say how well it will fare on low end machines but thus far I havnt had any problems.
My only worry that it uses max brushes / entities / etc so it could become unstable at high populations but we'll see.

I may try and fit in a few more useful buildings before finishing just to make it better for loyalist groups etc.








Workshop link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=507561128
Nah I had to go do some donator models so that took priority :P
Someone was bound to ask, but, when can we expect this to be implenented on the live server? (Just like soon or not soon, dates are really needed)
Random shithead rebels firing their guns into the sky may have consequences now. Go figure
Im gonna try and get a final done now. Will pass to Gangleider in the morning.
Can't wait to see the new changes once I get home.
Dont expect much different really......it just works better now and hopefully wont crash either.

Only problem ive picked up on is the crane still has a missing invisible texture and i have no idea why..........if i cant fix it ill just remove the crane tbh
I don't think the crane is all that important. There are roof tops around that allow good enough high ground and I doubt anyone would really utilize the crane.
Tazmily said:
It's not like we can't just use the crane prop if we need a crane.
Then just have it static'd in. I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of stuff being asked to be static'd eventually.
Something I noticed yesterday was a spawnpoint just outside the walls and due south of the south gate. I'll get a screenshot of the area today just to confirm, but it's a spot for resistance activity and within clear view of units posted up onto that wall. So, people are being spotted as they spawn in and being shot at.
Just have someone fix up the holes ICly, spawn a few PHX plates with combine metal and static it. Problem solved.
Shouldn't this map be canals/t6, have normal industrial 17 with the transition point on the street and actually allow the citizens into this area? It seems it's more suited as a "transition" map between city and canals instead of being main city, it's just too run down. Even the combine OP is makeshift.
Bulldog said:
Shouldn't this map be canals/t6, have normal industrial 17 with the transition point on the street and actually allow the citizens into this area? It seems it's more suited as a "transition" map between city and canals instead of being main city, it's just too run down. Even the combine OP is makeshift.
making it a transition map is stupid considering the outside areas essentially have the same style of roleplay as canals. it's better to just make this map a t6/canals crossover. t6 being the inside, canals being outside. it's fucking terrible as a city map, but as an s2 map we can treat the city like we treated t6. run down, neglected, shit like that. it's dumb to have it as the city map, because you have people treating it like such, which doesn't fit the environment at all.
I love the map in the way that its accommodating to many styles of RP, Rebel, citizen, and CCA, but the map itself isn't exactly fit to the Half Life theme, its fit for use as a map for Stalker and that doesn't transition over well to Half Life. Its a nice map, just not exactly the best for the setting we run with, especially in City Seventeen.
the entire map is a death trap

im disapointed that you didnt make the laser apply the vaporize effect ur fucking up dave i want to throw couches and watch them float away
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