- Sep 8, 2016
- 4,370

When it all comes crumbling down, someone's bound to try and pick up the pieces.

Whilst the centre of the world of Prague's denizens is the aforementioned city, there's far more to the world out there.
The world stands on the verge of humanity's extinction. The numbers dwindle further and further with each passing day as war wages across the globe in the various once-was bastions of Combine excellence, cities one by one beginning to fall or launch in to their own full-scale uprisings against the regime. It's nigh on impossible to confirm with the downfall of the global communications network thanks to the fall of City 17 and its Citadel, but stories and survivors claiming to be from other cities tell tall tales of what has happened.
City 29 is naught but rubble.
City 35 was turned to dust.
City 4's freedom fighters lost the battle.
City 77's freedom fighters won their own.
City 2 is in control of the UN's forces.
City 15 faced liquidation, and reallocation of resources.
City 91 is one large infestation zone.
City 8 is a radioactive wasteland; nuclear warheads the culprit.
The entire North American Annex has been silent for a long time. No one claims to be from there, and no communication has been heard from them.
All of these are rumors; none substantiated with proof, and each one comes with its own nay-sayers claiming the opposite of whatever the first thing heard was. The whirling dervish of information is unending and constant, but the fate of one City is more than substantiated; it's written in stone.
City 17, the Capital of the Combine's empire upon Earth, is naught but a crater. The Citadel, once a spire and monument to the brutal regime that has kept Humanity under its thumb for two and a half decades, is nothing more than a pile of scrap jutting out of a marred landscape.
Though, a regime like the Combine had no chance of giving up so easily.

A new player on the field of what remains of Prague; the remnants of what once was City 17 have made a grand play on the stage. Forces travelling from afar have made landfall both within the walls of City 13, and within the outskirts; creating outposts, forward operating bases, and taking control of pre-war facilities to fill them with the horrors of their masters, the Combine. Blue-metal claw like walls separate large swathes of land and hunker them down, and bunkers and silos find themselves home to Overwatch soldiers and Global Administrators, and their lackeys, alike. Scientists, hellbent on some new form of destruction, work tirelessly; some of this work has been seen in that all too familiar valley left not too long again - PROJECT NEGATION.
Within that valley, and within the bunker that the City 17 forces had made their own, scientists worked tirelessly for one purpose, and one goal; re-establishing connection to the Homeworld.
Since the fall of the bunker in the valley, City 17 seem to have only moved their efforts elsewhere, though, with those efforts now known by those that want to stop them; what remains of the United Nations' 3rd Battalion, and the collective freedom fighters outside of the Combine's influence. At this point, it's unknown who or what are pushing these remnants forward; rumors galore state one reason or another. Regardless of the driving force behind their actions, the Remnants seem to be giving their new goal all that they have.

City 13 has been the stage of a long and tiresome war for all those involved, but it seems to be coming to a head. With the Civil Authority largely disbanded with the disappearance of High Command, all that remains in way of Authority elements are pockets of those loyal to Rezek's regime and those few pockets that, with his influence diminished, returned to their own loyalties to the transhumanist ideals of the regime that came before.
Resistance cells across the city wage war with what is left of City 13's Civil Authority and Overwatch, still a long and arduous battle for land and territory. They've occupied and taken control of many of the canal and outer city districts, though, pushing in has become harder with the arrival of City 17's forces on the field of battle; as City 13's own forces dwindle, diminish and otherwise disseminate in to the populace, the transhumanized soldiers of the Capital take their place on the frontlines and make headway in pushing back those cells fighting for dominance of the City.
Pockets of United Nations fighters, both loyal and disloyal to the command of the 3rd Battalion, fight their own battles and wage their own micro-wars within the city. Districts are turned to rubble as vehicular assets are used in a destructive maelstrom by both City 17's forces and the UN, turning entire districts in some instances in to nought but ruins and shelled out hellscapes. Dogfights become common as aerial assets engage in their own battles, and soldiers from either side begin to stack bodies and fill coffins with the opposition.
The Remnants of City 17 have made their own presence known in a big way. Arriving with a fleet of aerial assets, soldiers and synthetics and Global Administration personnel alike have begun to flood their way in to the inner-most districts of City 13. Word and communication from allied forces to all that fight this war from within those districts has ceased entirely, but the sounds of warfare raging from within is endless and harrowing. With the knowledge of the goal of these remnant forces, it's not hard to gather or assume what their final target is:
The Citadel.

DEATH THROES is the final story arc for Nightmare in Prague II. It will serve as the narrative conclusion to the server's wider plot, and will bring with it the end of the server. It will be comprised of multiple smaller plots with various objectives that contribute to the larger story, with player choice being at the forefront of any back-end decisions made when it comes to creating this story for you, the players, to interact with as your characters.
The story will revolve around dealing with City 13's largest and most prevalent problem: the remnant forces of City 17, and their goal to establish a new super-portal above the skies of Prague.
This thread will be regularly updated as the story progresses with information on what has happened, how specific plots finish, and how the scales shift in whoever's favour.