Custom Model Competition

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Thanks to the generosity of community member TunnelSnakeIrish we're having a proper competition where you have the chance to win a free donator model made for you and your character, worth $60.

There were some threads made before by TunnelSnake to find out who was interested but since it wasnt really planned.......the people who were picked didnt really know the idea / rules for getting a custom model so we're going to redo this properly.

No questions / shitposting in this thread please, entrant posts only. Questions on steamfriends or forum PMs to me only.

  1. You cannot enter if you already have a donator model
  2. You must be an active player (someone who plays consistently and dosnt dissapear every few weeks)
  3. You must complete the competition entry properly (obviously)
  4. The custom model will be made by me once the winner is declared and uploaded in the next update cycle.
  5. I will make it as close as I can to the details provided, within the normal bounds of what is acceptable for a custom model.
  6. Do not ask for anything stupid, excessive or that dosnt fit the HL2 theme.
  7. No bitching.
Entries will be judged after the weekend.
There may be two winners if we get enough entrants.


Simply answer the questions and post in the thread below.
Keep answers short and sweet, no huge paragraphs!

Character Name:

Character Age / Nationality:

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance):

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!):

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire:

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique:

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

For example:
Character Name: Wyatt Cox

Character Age / Nationality: 28 / German

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): Resistance member

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Around a year at this point.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: Wyatt has an amputated right arm, with a strange hook-like device that he uses to attach to his crossbow (Dave told me this might be hard to model, so he also wears a fake stuffed-glove that covers the hand while he's in the city, making him look normal). A large burn-mark over his left eye as well as being tall, and decently masculine. Not as malnourished as the average citizen, his face is dirty due to not spending much time within the city.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: Wyatt spent time in city 17 a long time ago, he began as a simple mugger until he mugged a resistance member and was brought to the caves to join the resistance. He stayed there for months, though he was then hunted after and left to city 23 for some time. He's only recently returned, he had to go through quite a lot due to murdering someone in cold blood during his criminal years. He was forced to do mugging in order to help a small group of people who were starving, after they all died he almost committed suicide before moving to the resistance. He has a great amount of development from some small confused man to someone who understands how to get out of most situations, usually keeping a level head even in extremely tense situations, sometimes he will succumb to panic but most of the time he doesn't feel as though there's anything left to lose.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

Character Name: Lucy Rose

Character Age / Nationality: 29, British

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): Resistance

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Six years.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire:
- Dust, muck & blood stains have become entwined with her kevlar after all her years of fighting. It is rarely ever seen clean due to the nature of her work as a resistance figure & medic.
- Black gasmask with a blue Lambda symbol painted on.
- City Eight Armband and a medic armband both on her right arm sleeve.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique:
- The character has been consistently played for ~6 years here on TnB and she is well known by most people on the server that have stuck around for a long enough amount of time.
- I've donated twice before for models on TnB but they have both wiped with each rebooted iteration we go through! (so I aint no scrounger yo, I even donated before this post came up for other stuff)
- The resistance needs more female donator models !
- Backstory:

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.


p.s. You've already made the Lucy Rose model before (Based on Zoey from Left 4 Dead). Less chavvy, brown hair and no tattoo / gold bling bling jewellery, I never asked for that :P
Character Name: Lilith Conden

Character Age / Nationality: 23 | British-French

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): Resistance (Blueys)

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Around 8-9 months of gameplay.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: She's small (5'4) and malnourished like most individuals. Carrying a mop of red, disheveled hair that is usually worn as shown in the picture below. Her face is mottled with freckles and other beauty marks, and her skin is surprisingly pale. Her attire changes from time to time. Her signature clothing would be gray jeans, a casual blue jacket, a white shirt reminiscent to a button-up, a large rucksack, black work boots and an olive beanie.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: Lily is one of the few characters that I've actually gotten into and really enjoyed throughout my time on TnB. Her perspective on the Resistance changed, feeling rather insecure about their motives, thinking of them as mere brutes in the beginning. She was my focal point for a large portion of my duration and has been through a lot with the Resistance and her friends. She went from a shy, standoffish individual to a more confident, secure, and complete lady; earning character development and new friends from events, most related to Poincare and his compound. I've built her up to what she is now, and even though she isn't a notorious person, she has definitely left a mark in her cell for her deeds.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

Character Name: Jenn Lowry

Character Age / Nationality: 22 / American

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): Loyalist

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Lowry's genesis was at GGL in 2011, though I only really started playing the character seriously during this HL2RP reboot in late 2014.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: On most days, Jenn wears the typical citizen work fatigues, with the intention of fostering her populist appearance, or in other words, seem more relatable to the citizens. Ironically, since she does no hard labour, these work clothes are in perfect condition - her boots are even perfectly shined at all times. Of course on top of this uniform, she also wears the blue beret signifying her as a member of the Wallace Breen Society, along with a thin white neckerchief which she'll intentionally wear to one side.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: Jenn Lowry is notorious character on the server, and I think that my activity on her coupled with her notoriety deserves a custom model. She's been a central character of citzen RP, and all of it was built up IC from humble beginnings as a chapter lead of the Wallace Breen Society. Not only that, but she's one of the few characters to have achived any kind of power through purely IC means, and without ever having to pick up a gun for the resistance, or join Civil Protection - she's essentially weaseled and manipulated her way to where she is now. People love to hate her, and she's one of the purely antagonistic forces on the server. Also, she embodies the dystopian totalitarian image quite well - she's a young, brainwashed hyper-radical who dresses like some nightmare scout troupe leader.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

Character Name: Nigel Blandy

Character Age / Nationality: 27 / American

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): CCA (AdJ.56904)

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Around 10-11 months, close to a year.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: His face and body shows almost no lack of nourishment. He'd usually be wearing his thick green coat around him and an old brown baseball cap resting on the top of his head. And if his cap were off his head, he'd have short, messy brown hair. Around his fingers and hands are his black leather gloves. He stands 6'0 with light green eyes and his face kept clean from any beard or mustache. (The cap has no labeled team or anything)

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: I think Nigel is pretty unique because when he's off duty, he feels unsafe, making him a wimp without all that protection covering his body. While in uniform you could say he's one of the 'chill' Adjutants with his own UNION units, striking up conversations with them and showing a slight bit of leeway on things, but shows his figure of authority when around others, mostly other squad FC's and the populace. During his off hours, Nigel usually hangs around on the streets, standing on the sidewalk watching others pass by or chatting it up with others that he might know from the CCA or anyone in general.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

Character Name: Eugene 'Aquila' Harrison

Character Age / Nationality: 34, Black

Character Faction Ties: Resistance

How long have you played this character: City 8 Citizen, brought him to the iteration after I realized it was worth doing so.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: Medical Equipment hanging loose off his kevlar, bandolier around his upper torso filled with empty syringes rather than bullets. Gasmask with blue lenses, 'war' paint.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: Aquila is a combat medic with pretty profound sniping capabilities. Silver tongued, even though he portrays misanthrope traits such as often staying alone. He's a character I've played quite a bit, and has developed a negative reputation due to his 'assassination' attempts on Globe himself. That is another story, though.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

Character Name: Savannah Carter [91583]

Character Age / Nationality: 30/31 - West-American [California]

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): CCA

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Some time in March.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: Bags under eyes, strawberry blonde light brown hair kept in short ponytail. Skin is lightly tanned. Scar behind the left eye.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: As a unit, Savannah has encountered her share of anti-citizens, and has started to find a common (although shaky) ground between the two factions. Her concept of justice has since changed from when she had originally been recruited.

Apart from this, Savannah is unique in being particularly normal or relatable.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

Character Name: Allehm Mackay

Character Age / Nationality: Fourty-Nine, Slavic | Bosnian and Herzegovina

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): Heavily armed insurgent, but no faction affiliation.

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): I started back when HL2RP was rebooted underneath this lore when I created this character, was looking to distant myself from my previous characters that I'd always used. Didn't want to be an un-original.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: Allehm attended to a Technology Center in Sarajevo, Bosnia underneath Carpentry and Construction. He has a knapsack and a military surplus coat with a pre-Soviet SSH-68 Helmet. He stands at a 6'0'' height and 213 lbs., wearing a pair of worker's boots from his work place at a train depot in City 17. He has a short, but sharp brown stubble and short cut brown hair. He doesn't wear a mask, nor any distinctive patches, and he doesn't have an extra set of clothes.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: Allehm doesn't have a lot of friends on the server, primarily because he isn't as involved as most people would expect him to be. His goals aim to rescue as many people as he can from the discriminant life they're forced to live under, and help work their way to topple this totalitarian government that had been installed by these odd extra-terrestrial beings. Not all of it is by fighting though, but also using his primary skills at designing small huts to house the refugees in from incoming gunships and external threats like 'Head Hoppers', and the cold. He's just a normal man looking to help others without receiving a lot of attention in return.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.
Character Name: Hank Sastre

Character Age / Nationality: 28, Arab

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): Citizen/Resistance

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): About five months.

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: Tan/brown skin, black hair/stubble, brown eyes. Fairly young, tries to look decent. When he's in the city he tends to only wear his standard blues, and ballcap. In the outlands he can be seen using and wearing a variety of equipment, but usually his distinct overwatch vest for when things get hot.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: Isn't a white guy like 80% of chars. He's something from nothing, started as a nobody refugee and worked his way up. When playing as my character I try to treat him like a real person with a personality and emotions. Doesn't judge groups as a whole, but individuals based off of who they are. Doesn't try to be the 'savior of humanity', he has his own motivations.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.
Character Name: Aaron Coe
Character Age / Nationality: 28 - White British Male

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): Resistance

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Since 2008

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: Blonde hair, buzz cut on the back and side, an acid burn located on his left cheek, his arm has the old TLM insignia tattoo'd on and a double helix in the shape of an 8

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: My character has experienced so much during his time as a resistance member, seeing the downfall of a City and the uprising in another. Leading several ops against the Combine as well as working inside the city to help those less fortunate than himself and his friends. His experience over the years has made him to be of great value to anyone in need of his services, be it old school mechanics, to combine tech. He's seen and done much during his time as a resistance fighter and continues to demonstrate his skills in anyway he can

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

Character Name: Solomon Hamilton

Character Age / Nationality: 42, American

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance): Resistance

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Since this iteration started which was in October I think

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: Solomon has a bushy beard and looks like an average black man. When he's outside of the city he just wears a rolled up blue civvie shirt under his MOLLE plated vest, along with generic combat boots and padded jeans. Since he's had a steady diet of meat from Antlions and such, he can be described as a well-nourished and physically fit.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: He's a realistic character, who prefers covert operations and avoiding combat all-together. Even with his experience he's terrified of fighting and turns to alcohol to calm his shot nerves and depression due to people around him constantly dying. In spite of it all Solomon still seeks to help people be free from the Combine, and is extremely loyal to his friends.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.

(Imagine him with a bushy beard)
Character Name:Kyle 'Judge' Conners

Character Age / Nationality: 47/Canadian

Character Faction Ties (citizen / CCA / resistance):Resistance.

How long have you played this character? (no exaggerating please!): Probably 5 months

Describe the few most defining attributes of your characters appearance or attire: He wears a very rugged and muddy trench coat. It's stained with a some antlion blood as well as human blood. He wears a cracked gold A.O.E pendent over his clothes. He has scars all over his face from various accidents he's been in, one of which nearly took his life.

Briefly suggest why you think your character is unique: I think my character is unique because I constantly update him. I adapt him to his surrounding, and the people he meets. As the leader of the librarians, he has to be very savvy about where he goes and who he talks to.

Provide a 300x300 pixel reference Black&White FACE photo that roughly resembles how your character might look.
Ok competition is closed. Ill have a winner decided in the week.
I will be starting work on the new batch this week so I will choose the winner then.
Announcing the Winner -


Your model will be in the update shortly, hope you like it.

My first choice was actually Surgeon Scone "Oka Mi" however I tried for hours to make the model and I just couldnt do it without it looking Anime so.....I just had to scrap it.

As runner up prizes, I am offerring everyone who applied a free premade model.

Browse the model / donator model packs ingame (spawn menu > addons) and pick a few faces that you might like......dosnt have to be for the character you entered the competition for........and then Private Message me with your request.

I will need to confirm if the one you chose is available, so have a second / third / fourth choice too.

Do not ask any other admins to set it for you unless we have agreed on it first.
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