Community Update - HLNA & Beyond

After a long period of down time and allowing things to settle for both players and admins we've recently had our first official meeting since the infamously termed 'lull' (With a well deserved break for our admins). HLNA has had a great start, with a lot of new ideas introduced and different avenues to explore, for months players have kept it populated as it held their interest. Unfortunately trying to maintain the server and its different factions whilst also trying to touch on lore points such as the NAEZ has been very difficult whilst running the server under the current platform of traditional city roleplay. With that said, we'll be shifting focus on how we present and portray HLNA going forward and moving out of city roleplay specifically in order to explore the broader lore of HLNA that we wouldn't be able to if we kept all the current groups in play.

What does this mean for now?

Basically, we're going into a 'soft reset' mode while we go back to planning on the road map we decided on. What's important is that we have a direction going forward and it's one we think you'll enjoy, it just needs to be filled out more and for the details to be penciled in. All the current HLNA servers will be shut down while we do this so there's absolutely no expectation of players or admins to try and stir population as this happens. When the team ultimately finishes planning the road map ahead it will be ideal to do as much as a fresh relaunch as can be done.

At the same time, we recognize that there's a desire to still play and roleplay under TnB and we want to foster that as much as possible. While we work on making HLNA something for you guys to enjoy we're working on a few different RR's currently. TRP Siberia is next weekend as everyone knows which will undoubtedly be a banger, but we're also working on a Halo RR, an alternative history RR you may or may not have heard of before under Bloo and there may or may not be a horror RR in the works.

Basically the goal here is to show you that we're committed to still providing roleplay even under Garrysmod's waning light and that we're not just going to expect players to mindlessly rejoin to the same styled city RP if there's no changes no matter how different HLNA is considered to be compared to previous iterations etc, we do want you guys to enjoy your time here after all.

We have a very devoted playerbase and we're determined to keep providing the kind of experiences you guys want, but obviously as time goes on and garrysmod enters its dotage age it's getting harder and there's hit and misses. TnB is no stranger to downtime at this point so hopefully you guys recognize that we will come back and we'll come back strong.
So, where can I see the big change logs for what's been 'retconned' or what not since we went on this long ass hiatus and what not. Or are we back right where we once were.
So, where can I see the big change logs for what's been 'retconned' or what not since we went on this long ass hiatus and what not. Or are we back right where we once were.
Nothing was changed, it just seems someone put the server up with little explantation back onto the city. So, back to where it was.
So, where can I see the big change logs for what's been 'retconned' or what not since we went on this long ass hiatus and what not. Or are we back right where we once were.
Create your own RP. Create your own story. Player initiative. Maybe in the future we'll get plot going again. Who knows.
Nothing was changed, it just seems someone put the server up with little explantation back onto the city. So, back to where it was.

Hi, I'll be the one to take the blame on this one. I and a few others logged onto the server last night, (05302021) and we wanted to fuck around a bit to get some roleplay going. Ended up having around 15 players during that time. And so a small spark of RP happened. Today, We've got to 28 players. Yes. There is no current plot. That's because HLNA isn't open officially. This is just us having fun and making our own rp.

Please be kind to the current and future staff who will end up working on HLNA. Right now, this is just a time for us to enjoy the community while having a fun pass time. I've had nothing but fun today. Even at very low pop hours.
Personally I think it would be best if TRP were to be opened first, have what has been planned for that put into action. Let things go on there, let the plot go on there, players roleplay and so forth. That provides HLNA the time it needs to create its own plot, do what it needs to have new breathe put into it. So when TRPs time comes to an end, HLNA can take its place brand new and fresh.
So, where can I see the big change logs for what's been 'retconned' or what not since we went on this long ass hiatus and what not. Or are we back right where we once were.
Nothing was changed, it just seems someone put the server up with little explantation back onto the city. So, back to where it was.
Basically to my knowledge when servers are down, they aren't taken down so much as locked in case whoever needs them for a reason. Password leaked, people got on, and now its kinda been made to come back up unofficially. I imagine Admins are gonna do something or other with it while there's renewed interest, but for now just have fun.

I've been treating it like about however long since the lull has passed and things have just been relatively quiet, save for a few random events. Timeline is in line with current real time, so just kinda go with it sorta thing.
you’re safe till trp drops half life losers

us addicts gotta get their fix where they can

On a more serious note: Even if there's not a major plot being pushed, HL's nature would at least allow everyone to re-establish connections and loyalties before anything major kicks off. I might just be a transient player for the time being for it, but given the break, giving people some downtime to connect again might not be a bad idea.
Would like to throw my two cents in.

I'm really fond of the TRP setting, don't get me wrong, but I think given the circumstances HLNA is really important for moving forward right now. When TRP 3 was announced I didn't say openly but I believed it was far too early to be running another setting, since HLNA had just been closed and it looked like the community had too many pans on the boil. As hesitant as I am to admit it the Half Life 2 setting is a reliable fall-back since it's so time-tested and TnB really needs something familiar and easy to work with while people get their bearings again and we find a way to move forward. Personally speaking I want to start moving away from GmodRP but people seem to be enjoying just having an opportunity to actually RP again, and I think there's a lot to be said about TnB going tits-up when people aren't getting their fix.

Entirely possible that I'm just repeating what's already been said but I'm A Plagiarist !!!
So the server is open for now? Because I still don’t understand why the server went down just because we get stuck in plot?

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