Hey everyone.
I know a few of us have been getting antsy in regards to HL2's direction. People want to know where we're going and what we plan to do, so I'm going to try and lay it out without spoiling too much and keeping it pretty brief for the sake of not having to read through one of my multi-paragraph threads yet again.
First things first: the server is going to follow a structured plot line which we've recently laid out and agreed to move forward with. Don't expect HL2 to immediately dive into the PHL2 direction of an event every weekend, but do expect the frequency of story progression to pick up greatly through the next couple weeks and after. This also shouldn't signal the end of the server approaching rapidly or anything of the sort; we intend on keeping HL2 running for as long as people are willing to keep playing. Nobody wants to keep playing just to experience the same old city experience that we've been locked down on for years now, so it's our intention to change that up greatly and add a lot for people to play with into the mix. Events in regards to the story, unlike before, are going to be announced on the forums so everyone gets a chance to make sure they can attend.
We wanted to start pushing plot right off the bat, and we tried, but having 50-60 players a day with so much player-driven conflict made it hard for us to fit our own plot material in there without stomping over what people were doing in-character of their own accord. Now that things have relaxed a bit and people have gotten their energy out, it'll be much smoother for us to move forward and get the server's story progressing.
Also, since I've actually been asked this a few times recently, we're not going to move forward with the concept of making the server outlands-only. If anything like that happens, it'll be a good deal down the line and a sensible part of the plot we've followed up to that point.
Last thing I wanted to mention is that we now have multiple developers working on our script, and we have some big plans for HL2 and Eternity in general. More info on that later on.
That's all, really. If you have questions feel free to leave them below.
I know a few of us have been getting antsy in regards to HL2's direction. People want to know where we're going and what we plan to do, so I'm going to try and lay it out without spoiling too much and keeping it pretty brief for the sake of not having to read through one of my multi-paragraph threads yet again.
First things first: the server is going to follow a structured plot line which we've recently laid out and agreed to move forward with. Don't expect HL2 to immediately dive into the PHL2 direction of an event every weekend, but do expect the frequency of story progression to pick up greatly through the next couple weeks and after. This also shouldn't signal the end of the server approaching rapidly or anything of the sort; we intend on keeping HL2 running for as long as people are willing to keep playing. Nobody wants to keep playing just to experience the same old city experience that we've been locked down on for years now, so it's our intention to change that up greatly and add a lot for people to play with into the mix. Events in regards to the story, unlike before, are going to be announced on the forums so everyone gets a chance to make sure they can attend.
We wanted to start pushing plot right off the bat, and we tried, but having 50-60 players a day with so much player-driven conflict made it hard for us to fit our own plot material in there without stomping over what people were doing in-character of their own accord. Now that things have relaxed a bit and people have gotten their energy out, it'll be much smoother for us to move forward and get the server's story progressing.
Also, since I've actually been asked this a few times recently, we're not going to move forward with the concept of making the server outlands-only. If anything like that happens, it'll be a good deal down the line and a sensible part of the plot we've followed up to that point.
Last thing I wanted to mention is that we now have multiple developers working on our script, and we have some big plans for HL2 and Eternity in general. More info on that later on.
That's all, really. If you have questions feel free to leave them below.