Roster Admin Roster

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loa from now until the 16th

need 2 finish semester before trp...

also Gumby Gumby also got lost on his way to the trp roster but landed just fine
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Decreased in-game/admin activity... you know why.

Will still be available via DMs and will be popping into server but between a (Pokémon) marathon, development work, Cyberpunk, and house/job hunting it's quite a busy time for me.
Gonna be having less time for the server these next couple of weeks. New computer and holiday stuff, but I’ll be back as soon as everything the wraps up.
Terminator Roleplay

Subcommunity Leaders
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    @Abaddon - Carwrecked
Farewell, boys. It's been a real pleasure and I couldn't be anymore proud of what we managed to accomplish with a setting so many people were eager to dismiss.

Removed from TRP Admin for extreme insubordination, mingery, overall bad behavior and inactivity. Also, Australian. Who the fuck likes Australians?
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Going on a two week "LOA" from the 2nd of January to the 15th. I'll be accessible like normal and will still be checking forums and discord, just can't be on server.
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Resigns from HLNA admin.

While your tenure was relatively short-lived on the HLNA team I appreciate all you accomplished during that time, as well as your contributions prior in TRP, ZRP, and Halo. You've been a great contributor and I can say without a doubt that you'll be sorely missed. Thanks for lending a hand, I hope to see you on the team again one day.

stierlexiaposting; godspeed you magnificent bastard
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Resigns from HLNA.

Another short tenure but even still it's a shame to see you go. Hope things turn up for you in the long run, maybe you can find the motivation to come back and give it another go in the distant future. Take care, man.
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