Roster Admin Roster

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I'm gonna have minimal to no activity until after I'm married, when I'm not busy I have little desire at the moment to manage stuff around here so don't really depend on me for stuff for about 3 weeks or so.
I've been telling people individually but here's a group heads up that I haven't been and probably won't be that active the next few weeks while I finish up this quarter. Gotta get them As.

Also my honeymoon with Bennet and everything.

I'll be around but I have two exams and a paper due this week. That and I'm going to Canada next week, and presenting my senior research the week after that.

Gonna be fun.
I resign from all staff positions here. It's been fun but it's my time to go.

fucking come back to us popo
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Bit of an LOA atm, working away and the start of the last 6 months in my degree. Once I get stuff on track I'll be on more, but for now will be on a couple of times a week. PM me if you need me for anything.

I've had a hard go in 2018 -- rescue squad, work, college, clinicals, family cancer, vehicle repairs -- and it's time to relax my activity a bit to get a grip and refocus.

I'll be around significantly less for a couple weeks. Thanks for the TRP fun so far!
Posting for Albino, he'll be missed and loved:

Don't agree with some ways HL2 is being handled, combined with the fact that I will be starting my career soon I've opted to resign from my posistion of GM and the Narrative Planning Board. Was fun lads, good luck.

We'll miss you hero, love you. o7.
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Posting for Jules.

"I resign from my GM position. I don't hold any interest in the uprising anymore, I much prefer spending my time on TRP.


Thanks lad for doing events and pulling up the pop when we needed it most, I feel like you're not as appreciated as you deserve to be. You'll be missed.
Off my quasi-LOA. I got all As.

I'd also like to thank everyone resigning upon the finalization of our endgame roadmap for HL2. Thanks for all the hard work.
To explain my lack of activity recently, I work away from home Mon-Thurs and have no access to play during that time.

With the increase in Uni Commitment it has been hard to get on much at all when I'm home at the weekend, got a couple of weeks at home coming up in April so I'll be able to get going with things again.

Still on a mini-LOA.
i resign from admin

and step down to gm
didnt get rid of me that easily

i wanna focus on storytelling and rping, just generally having the uprising be an enjoyable experience for ppl, and the whole work with auth requests, bans & unbans and the general cat herding that hl2rp occassionally turns into is wearing me down and holding me back.

im no quitter though, im staying til the end of the uprising :cat:
ive felt like shit for about a week now, cold and other shit's kicking me in the shins

ill be back in action shortly

im gonna kick u in the shins
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Time for me to post about my LOA. I'm heading out on a roadtrip starting in about an hour so I won't be on the server at all until I'm back. I can still be contacted about CCA stuff, but please don't expect me to respond unless it's early in the morning or late at night because I'll be out doing stuff all day.

I'll be back in action around the 30th or 31st.
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