Roster Admin Roster

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my steam account has been hacked again

and im leaving for the army in 8 days soooooo

I'm taking leave of absence for at least a month, and frankly I don't know if I want to come back. I'm completely jaded with what's supposed to be going on here and I think it's a complete crock of shit.

Why? 5 years ago, I came here because I had no friends and people understood that I just wanted a place to have fun, and for a while I've had that. I've spent 3 years trying to make TRP and TNB a slightly friendlier place for people to come and RP and not have to have such a fucking stressful time, but I can't remember the last time I've ever had that. Now all I do is damage control for a dying and bitter community that seems to think I'm one of the worst things that happened to it. I can't defend my friends because it's considered bias, and I can't defend myself because it's considered admin abuse, and with enough BACKSPACE, anything I say can be made to look like the devil's words.

When I've gotten to the point where all of my time is spent having to justify myself in bans and discipline, I know I've lost whatever happiness I had at TNB, and realized I'm just as pathetic as I was when I started. Reading Toast's thread gave me an epiphany that I sorely needed.

I can no longer justify my emotional well-being and my academic performance in the hopes I'll improve TNB at all, because I don't think it will, and quite a few players are not making it any easier. So if you wanted me gone, go celebrate because I am for now.


Edit: For TRPers, I'll continue helping the server get back up, but we'll see how things go.

Keefe: I'll see you in our shared frozen wasteland one day.
Yeah I'm gonna resign.

I doubt I'll have the time or energy to administrate after basic training and through AIT.

Farewell people, see you maybe after basic.

Goodbye - DK

Firepower: :(

Helios - if you come back to the uk one day ill see you
Vorti LOA until the 18th, although he'll be on the server a few times a week.
I'm ready to get back to SRP, after a rather long period of getting used to having over 30fps for once.
Off LOA, on to administration.
Cawlin, SnowingMonkey, Fuzzy Wolfy and Skippy to Admin

Bag of Minges to Player
No-one made a post so far, so:

Hawg, Drakens, and Human to SRP SCL.
Brim resigns, wanted me to post.

22:11 - 음경 왕 brim: hello
22:11 - 음경 왕 brim: can you post on the admin thread
22:11 - 음경 왕 brim: that i have resigned

quixotic: best of luck, man.
Soyuz to player.

Real life trumps roleplay for all of us and because of that he has asked me to remove him from the roster until he has the free time to administrate again. Soyuz was a big help during our months of development and during the first couple weeks of the server and his insight will be missed.

That said, if the stars align, we'll be glad to have him back.

Anony: You were a good dude. yep. I said it.
Moving myself back to a regular admin. Helios is the next in line for the third SCL.
Hawg to LOA.


Firepower: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long
It feels like I walked back into a highly radioactive zone. But yeah ... Back and all that.
Human said:
Moving myself back to a regular admin. Helios is the next in line for the third SCL.

Unanimous agreement by the only other active SCL.
(you didn't answer me hawg don't yell at me)

Hawg: *thumbs up*
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