Roster Admin Roster

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I'm back. Sorta kinda. Maybe. I HAVE A LIFE TOO YOU KNOW.

Fuckers at camp wouldn't let me buy knives.

you can buy my knife anyday
[sub][sub]shit does that mean i have to give his stereo back[/sub][/sub]

SKOLLIE resigns.

I'm having major problems with my internet right now and I have trouble even getting on steam. I'm not gonna be active as my internet sadly won't be fixed for a very long time and I have no plans on stealing a spot on the roster without doing literally anything for I don't know how long.

There will always be a spot here for you. o7 and good luck fixing your internet -Fuxx
skollie D: ♥ - ves
GeneralNonsenze to LOA.

Going on a trip for a few days, I won't be on the server for some time. I'll be back on Saturday night.


  • Vioxtar




  • Blasio




loa so i can spend the rest of my summer without being bugged

if you need some stuff with vigi go general, i'll still be around for cota tho

yeah leave the shit to me buddy. :) - genny
Resigning from HL2 admin.

No reason in particular except that my interest has dropped dramatically and I've got college soon anyway. I'll probably still be on the forums and in server occasionally.

Best of luck with the sub-community, I hope it continues to grow and thrive in the future.

Xero: Best of luck to you, my friend.
lilb: And then a star fades away, best of luck.
with a heavy heart, i must resign. im moving to the russian federation, and more than likely i wont have constant internet access. along with that, ill be busy eating, drinking, smoking and whoring myself to an early grave. as much shit as i like to give this place, ive learned a lot from being here. whether it be grammar, people skills or writing, i owe tnb a lot. Mister Rogers to Mister Rogers.

So long and thanks for all the fish


[sub][sub]Удачной охоты, сталкер[/sub][/sub]
Hicksédit: rip

I want a fucking ushanka rogers ;-;
i'll miss your antics - mom
My time was short and I was uninspiring, I can no longer dedicate my life to this.




o7 i tried to talk you out of it.. i'll miss you - ves ♥
Good luck with your life and stay strong - fuxx
I had to go to a wedding on short notice. I am now going to be active.
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