Roster Admin Roster

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9:11 PM - dogge bagie: put me on LOA for 2 weeks on everything
9:13 PM - dogge bagie: reason is my semen storage unit exploded and now I have to get a cleaning crew to cum on over (ooooooo)


I once loved one man, he took my only heart
and right there in front of me, he ripped it apart
I know he didn't mean to, and the fault is mine to blame
but the guilt and pain remains all the same
but now I understand, why he ran away
now I understand why he didn't stay
he was afraid to love, and afraid to take a chance
he was afraid to leave and make another stance
he was afraid to make his mark on societies wall
he was afraid to take a leap, as he could fall
he would have rather stayed inside that rotting jail
he rather stay with society, even though I paid bail
he made his mind and stayed with society
even though he had his chance to be free
so now as I sit outside societies dream
I linger like a nightmare, making people scream
they say its just a phase, that I'll get over it soon
they say its a disease, like the werewolf and the moon
but deep down in my heart, I know it isn't so
because I have to be strong, so I can show
people like the one man who threw me in a bin
that no matter how hard they try, we will never give in!
cause what's the point of hurting us? so we can feel bad?
so we can understand what its like to be sad?
well we already know just how it feels
cause it is so hard for us to reveal
that we like the same sex, and who really gives a damn?
goes in the end we all still go all cold and clam
so who cares if I'm gay! I am proud to be
because in my world I take it as a victory
that I can make a choice and stand from the rest
be an individual and try my best
and kids at school may laugh at me and call nasty names
but you know what? it doesn't matter it's all a game!
cause later on in life they will suddenly see
that the reason I was gay, was because it was me
so go on a call out names and raise your heads so high
but remember who I am, just before you die
remember that I was strong and managed to pull through
and remember that if I can do it, then so can you
so today I stand and say that I am proud to be gay
and if I had a choice... I'd have it no other way!
semi-loa for a week or two

really until gmod stops being broken for me; I hear it's the same for other people, but whatever posting here to be safe
Mister Rogers has been promoted to Mister Rogers

Congratulations on becoming Terminator SCL Nummer drei!


Hail SCL.
Shit music.
mao: rogers is a silly name. should be rodgers tbh.
gang: i cant wait until we reach the next page so i can stop having to hear this autoplay every time
I'm going to take most of this weekend off. I'm not doing as well on my schoolwork as I should and I need to fix my sleep cycle to get up at a decent hour. I'll be available on SF but most likely not able to RP. If you had anything to ask of me, try and direct it to the other admins before coming to me.

Shamefur Dispray! - Rogers
not-quite-LOA for a few weeks ago, more like reduced activity. Gotta get my academics back on track.
loa from everything including being everyones box bitch for the next week at least

too much work and college shit

e: im still available to put servers back up just don't expect me to fix everything for you when someone messes up because i don't have the time or energy for that

university. i dont know.

enemy: good luck... buddy...
kriegedit: its not as hard as it looks like. unless you choose engineering or pharmacology or medicine or shit like that.
CrimsonSuccubus: u betr hav fun
Alien: o7 sweet prince
DK: I don't get it.
Mao: have fun fang, ill still be me when you get back
Ed: BS im 2nd year uni and it doesnt stop me from playing.
enemy to Homosexual
ranklessdawg: he'll be bored of school in no time
Consider me on LOA because my main PC was frozen by an evil virus and I have neglected to find a way to fix it thus far so I'll probably have to do a ton of shit and make some calls. It's been a good three weeks and I assume everyone pretty much knows but I might as well have it down on paper.

Be back by November.

Alien: Open in safe mode and remove all startup items (msconfig if on XP, try CCleaner on Vista/7)
Myself to half-LOA. I need to catch up on schoolwork and regain some of my sanity.

I'll likely still try to be on but I won't be on for as long as I have been every night.

I'll also be around on SF, but if you can, try and speak to the other admins if you need something.
Gangleideris no longer a trial admin on SRP.

GentleMao and Alien to Full SRP Admins.

More to come soon if I'm not mistaken.

mao: one day you'll get full admin aswell drakens.
alien: one day...
enemy: drakens forever ta
gang: wow you managed to beat me to my resignation sir
sorry for my inactivity both before and during my loa but its simply impossible for me to spend enough time on srp with all the slavery you have me do drakens
Ghost to SRP Trial Admin.


winch the ragdoll


ghost: we are now alpha team
Back from my somewhat unofficial 'LOA'.

It'll be until sunday or so until I can actually get on, work and stuff.
But I'll be scripting and shit, again.

Ethan: Welcome back
TLDR me and gangleider got banned from Dayz so we'll finally pay attention to Gmod again :P

gang: shut up dave
tipper: fuken hackers
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