Well, while we're at it...
I was really glad to be given the opportunity to be an admin again. I was also even more glad to be able to participate in the CCA in leadership again. Honestly, it was fully my intention to just play a ground unit for the duration of this iteration. I definitely didn't expect to be offered admin either. When I was given leadership in the CCA, and offered admin, it just fell into my lap and I took it knowing I had the previous experience to help me make things great.
I've been focused on other things in my real life lately. It's been hard for me to get motivation to log into the server because I feel like other things are more important right now for me. I obviously haven't been around for a few days, and I was trying to feel it out and see if stepping back a little would help me get motivated/inspired again. Logging onto the server and roleplaying my character started to feel more like a chore - it became mostly like checking off boxes, performing tasks instead of being a character in the world.
Anyone that knows me obviously knows Nap and me are extremely close friends. Him leaving has left me with a load I honestly just can't deal with, with what little motivation I have. So, I think it would be best for me to leave the position to somebody else. It's a shame, but, I definitely am not going to sit in my position indecisively and deprive others.
Hopefully this doesn't leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth. I have much love and respect for this hobby! I'm glad I was able to play with you guys again and have so much fun.
God bless you guys. I'm resigning as well. My final message:
for admin.