Accepted Pirate unban

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.


Enter LE MONKE, a corpulent ape
Dec 21, 2011
Name of character: Grenadiac / Pirate
Steam ID: community ban
Original length of ban: perma
Time since ban: a while
Who banned you: Admin team vote

I hate seeing his red name. Unban him for the 1/100th chance he returns and graces us with his presence.
We've discussed with the admin team, and are in agreement that your ban was not justified. You should have been given the opportunity to plead your case as you did now, which adequately explains the context behind screenshots of chat logs that while abrasive, do not fit the portrayal that was made.
+1 but as far as im aware pirate has 0% desire to be unbanned or ever return to tnb in any capacity
If pirate ever shows any interest in coming back he's welcome to ask but I don't think he needs someone else to argue on his behalf
He can’t argue on his own behalf because he’s banned.

If he wants to come back—which he did when NiP was relaunched—and sees he’s banned, he won’t be able to play and won’t want to appeal, because it’s extremely unpleasant.

What did he even get banned for, he was playing for a while on Prague
From the other unban thread:

I’ll take the blame for the lack of communication. I timed you out last week. I was the one who brought up and pushed for you to be banned, too. The team would like to apologize for the clusterfuck lack of communication. To state for everyone, he was not banned for being a pedophile. It was overall for toxicity.

Ever since I came back I’ve seen nothing but constant toxicity from you. The same old jaded comments, quips, etc. You joined, made a CCC, barely played, complained when you were on. I’ve seen you outright lie (Nutritionist situation as of recent, I have logs of you randomly just publicly trashing her which added absolutely nothing). There’s a long record of behaviors like such from you.

The main point of the ban that should’ve been immediately clarified and highlighted on is your continued toxicity. This isn’t from “trashing on TRP” as you’ve said. It’s repeated problematic behaviors that haven’t disappeared in the last decade you’ve been here. The quote provided in your ban reason was an excerpt of a larger quote that I’ll post below. I want to make it clear we are not accusing you of being a pedophile at all, just that you made odd comments revolving Spartan, the one who took advantage of minors at this community. You blamed a 15 year old girl (me) for being preyed upon by Spartan. You said I wanted and manipulated a 30 year old man into sending unsolicited dick pictures and lewd messages. I also wasn’t the only one.

[image here, go check the other thread can’t copy it]

When a past TNBer asked how you were going to put the blame a minor for that, you stated in response to:

“pirate 12/16/2023
cuz i dont like her never will and dont care about the facts”

When this information was brought to light, the team found it extremely concerning that on top of the other behaviors, you continued to spread extremely harmful things about community members. You go from stating I’ve never done anything to you, to literally two minutes later saying horrid accusations and victim blaming me (also accusing me of sending admins nudes for admin… lol). What you started with at first was basic shit talk, which isn’t against the rules, but when it starts to become genuinely harmful accusations, that’s where the line is drawn. The administration team has many other screenshots surrounding this. There is no doubt this is real.

Apologies on the lack of communication. The team fumbled on that. I fumbled on that. I hope this better explains why you have been community banned.

One more admin will be making a post before this thread is locked.
I want to make it clear we are not accusing you of being a pedophile at all, just that you made odd comments revolving Spartan, the one who took advantage of minors at this community. You blamed a 15 year old girl (me) for being preyed upon by Spartan. You said I wanted and manipulated a 30 year old man into sending unsolicited dick pictures and lewd messages. I also wasn’t the only one.
The toxic stuff I don't care too much since this is tnb. Punishments get dished out for those but are usually temporary.

But the quote above is what I have a problem with. There's no justification to victim blame a minor, ever. That's a dangerous string of logic to be following. Not claiming he is anything of the sort, but it makes me extremely cautious about him now.

Key word, if true.
I certainly don’t agree with anything of the sort, and from my subsequent conversations with him Pirate doesn’t either. From my understanding, he wasn’t attempting to impute responsibility or fault for anything that happened back then and knows full well that Spartan was/is a predator.

I think it’s not really what he was banned for either. The ban came after he was—admittedly—being an asshole to the admin team, and somebody just posted an out-of-context screencap post hoc to rationalize it.

I should also mention that the post implies he is trying to spread rumors about Bekah. The server that it occurred in had only me as a regular player at TNB and was a conversation about Spartan, whom we had recently uncovered a Ravenwood video of flopping out of the window of a car in full tacticool gear onto his face like a miserable sack of fat. I don’t think he was trying to stir drama or directly attack anyone in the community—if so, he was in the wrong forum.
I'd be open to forum unbanning him just to allow him the opportunity to post an unban himself so he can make the arguments himself. I'm under the impression you began this thread but he might not even know about it.

Up to Gangleider Gangleider and whomever, but if he wants to make his case then he should be allowed to do so.

Here’s a quote from Gang’s new beginnings thread:


If we’re trying to start TnB in a new light, is it really the best idea to allow these kind of behaviors back into the community?

Just my two cents, victim shaming shouldn’t have a place here.
Lastly, even if we were to take the most extreme position, draw all inferences against Pirate, and assume that he actually does blame Bekah for what happened, the inference you’d be drawing is that…Pirate is a secret Spartan5150 supporter? I don’t believe is reasonable or supported by the facts.

We all hold grudges. But here Pirate is being placed in the pantheon of TNB permabans for what is, at worst, a contextless assessment of something that happened nine or ten years ago.
Lastly, even if we were to take the most extreme position, draw all inferences against Pirate, and assume that he actually does blame Bekah for what happened, the inference you’d be drawing is that…Pirate is a secret Spartan5150 supporter? I don’t believe is reasonable or supported by the facts.

We all hold grudges. But here Pirate is being placed in the pantheon of TNB permabans for what is, at worst, a contextless assessment of something that happened nine or ten years ago.

I feel that’s a pretty dismissive way to put victim shaming, if I’m being honest. I don’t have the other screenshot but I do know he follows up what I posted with “I don’t care about the facts”. I don’t think he’s a Spartan supporter because I have nothing to support that, but what is clear is he’s a proponent of victim shaming. I don’t think he’s turned a new leaf as it’s not been said that he has apologized to Bekah for it. That would probably be a good first step, no?
I'm rescinding my previous comment for now.

Step number one is for him to apologize to the person in question, not us.

If he can make good with her, then he'll be on the right track.
i'm for either pirate making a new account to say his piece here, or for his ban to be changed so he can respond to this thread himself rather than having people on either side speaking for him
I feel that’s a pretty dismissive way to put victim shaming, if I’m being honest. I don’t have the other screenshot but I do know he follows up what I posted with “I don’t care about the facts”. I don’t think he’s a Spartan supporter because I have nothing to support that, but what is clear is he’s a proponent of victim shaming. I don’t think he’s turned a new leaf as it’s not been said that he has apologized to Bekah for it. That would probably be a good first step, no?
I gotta agree hard on this one.
Nobody said he's a Spartan supporter. And I mean, he actively spoke out against him in that post, but clearly also went ahead to put the blame on the victim too.
If he wants to come back, it should be with an accepted appology from the person that was affected. Otherwise I see no progress in any of this especially if TnB just announced that it wants to move forward.
i'm for either pirate making a new account to say his piece here, or for his ban to be changed so he can respond to this thread himself rather than having people on either side speaking for him
Just talked to Pirate--he would like to be able to see this thread.

There's another thing I'd like to note about this too--I don't believe it's actually the reason Pirate was banned. Pirate was banned at a time when he was giving the server team--and Bekah in particular--grief for server-related issues. This screencap--ten months old when it was taken--just so happened to be scrounged from a discord at that time. Other people were also targeted with a similar tactic at the same time. Ballin, for example, said similar things, and was banned for it at the time, but has since been unbanned.

The sum of these facts make me believe that the reason was pretextual and merely the result of a successful fishing trip for contextless gotchas. Rather, the lingering ill will people feel towards Pirate for his involvement in NiP is the reason he is still banned while others are not.

Sure, Pirate can be a headache. I have been under his microscope and found wanting, so I can empathize. But I find the insistence on portraying him as a bad actor who is "preventing TNB from moving forward" strange given the soul-searching that is going on in other segments of this forum. There, people have noted the dire need for sincere and vigorous creative activity to revitalize this community. Pirate has been a dedicated player at this community for over a decade, a core driver on several admin teams, and has even developed an entire script/hosted a server for this community out of his own checkbook, with very little love given in return. His history spent moving this place forward speaks for itself. If you're serious about turning this community around, you might consider unbanning him.
I'm going to open this by saying I didn't ask feels to do this and this is how I found out about it.


I'm not in a sappy mood nor do I particularly feel like I should have to grovel before yall for forgiveness, so I'm going to be blunt, maybe blunter than usual. I know that many of yall do not like me and never will and I don't really care if you do or don't. You have your reasons, some valid, some not. You will read what you want to read from this so I'm not going to sugarcoat anything.

Spartan is a piece of shit of nearly unrivaled proportion in the roleplay sphere, and probably the most prolific of the unrepentant, evil creeps I've ever encountered in this hobby. I hate him with every fiber of my being and what he did to Bekah and multiple other girls in this community AND OTHERS is utterly unforgivable and as close as you can get to molestation over the internet. So I will not accept any question of my feelings about Spartan.

Spartan being a creep was not really a secret. Those of you who have really been around remember that I began railing against him extremely early and never stopped. Not only was he very outwardly a weird, womanizing pervert, he preferentially gave promotions within the CCA to his inner circle of mostly Ravenwood members. This being well-known, it was not uncommon for users to try to buddy up to him in order to receive boons in the CCA. There was a whole circle of TnBers who joined Ravenwood just to find favor with Spartan - most of whom have now been rightly run out.

What I said about Bekah's interactions with Spartan had nothing to do with vindicating Spartan. I did not say or even imply that Bekah deserved to be creeped upon by Spartan. What I said was that Bekah knew that Spartan handed out favors to people he liked, and, like others had, tried to play him in order to climb the ranks, both IC and OOC, and that in the process, had hurt a lot of people and ruined a lot of fun. You are willfully blinding yourself if you cannot or will not acknowledge that the Bekah of TEN YEARS AGO was a toxic person - as were many of us, including myself. She now has had ample time to grow, as have we all.

HOWEVER- I said this in a private discord conversation where we were discussing the old days and in particular, people who were weird, manipulative freaks. This was some months before Bekah started playing at TnB again, when my last impression of her was somewhere around 2017 and, as far as I knew, she was long gone. Upon learning that she was back around I was not unkind to her and helped maintain her ~secret identity~ knowing that there were still freaks looking to dox her. However, somebody, for reasons unbeknownst to me, shared a screencap of my comment, stripped of context, intended to make me look like a creep.

The OOC political climate at this time was that I was operating a form of Combine intelligence division. I had no way to know that Decepti, Jon, and I guess Bekah and some others were also planning to do the same. Through Decepti an effort was made to shut what I was doing down because, I suppose, it was seen as competitive to their idea. After winning that fight I logged on several days later to find myself permabanned without chance of appeal and unable to speak to anyone. I am sure that is not a coincidence.

I am also sure it is not a coincidence that my assessment of Bekah as a weird, manipulative, toxic person once again came true very recently. All I said was that Bekah deliberately kept company with some gross people and guess what... looks like old habits die hard.

I didn't ask to be unbanned but yall pointed the spotlight at me so there's what I have to say.
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By the way-

“pirate 12/16/2023
cuz i dont like her never will and dont care about the facts”

Also from the same private discord where people routinely say all kinds of things heavily layered in irony, which I'm not even going to get into. I'd love to see some of the shit yall say in your discords. Hell, I've SEEN the things some of yall say. This has nothing to do with anything and shouldn't even be brought up.

I will strongly refute this:

"Ever since I came back I’ve seen nothing but constant toxicity from you. The same old jaded comments, quips, etc. You joined, made a CCC, barely played, complained when you were on."

Am I jaded? Fuck yeah I'm jaded. I have a right to be. I don't pick on people or exclude them. "Barely played" is a laugh. I think I was pretty regularly the only person, or one of less than 5, on the server while I was around on NiP. My CCC was constructive, and yielded positive effects.

I have expended more effort than most of you can imagine trying to push TnB forward. The same people acting like I'm a huge asshole for being a bit cynical bitched and trolled and railed against the STALKER subcommunity I built as a labor of love over FOUR YEARS - at thousands of dollars of my own expense - and gave to TnB for free at a time when it had 0 viable roleplay settings and no scripter to even put a basic HL2RP back up. I did that because I loved this place. It seemed like the last hope for a unique approach to roleplay that I really love and have loved for years. Many of yall shat on it, trolled, and hoped to see it fail for no reason other than that I was the one that put it forward. I have earned the right to be jaded. That doesn't make me less creative, less constructive or less earnest. The vast majority of you have never spoken to me one on one to ever even have the opportunity to see who I really am. You only know me third-hand. That is pretty fucking exhausting.
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My main concern was whether that minor comment had any other substantive evidence surrounding it, but after hearing others it seems like that is not the case.

I have only grown cautious given the fact that TnB's pursuing more light-hearted endeavors (DarkRP etc) that naturally attract more younger players, and a comment like that draws suspicion. But like I said, seems like this comment has no further validity based on what others have said.

Now, if the original reason for the ban was 'toxicity', in my opinion I don't subscribe to anyone being perma banned for that unless you're really going out of your way to personally attack members of the community in a substantially harmful way (stalking, hacking, etc).

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