Information TnB Halo RP - The Insurrection


It's been circulating for a while now and after development was put on hold last time to focus on HL2 we're finally pushing ahead with our next adventure. TnB is going to Halo RP. Why? Because Halo is awesome and there's a lot more we can do with it than just shooting aliens but the just shooting aliens part of it is really cool. This roleplay is intended for pretty much everyone but obviously caters more to those that want a military themed focus as the action will be more prevalent than the peace.

Will reveal script stuff with a play test maybe before we're ready. Don't want to talk to much about it as it's not really important, just know that we'll have everything we need.

A few things to note about how we'll be approaching Halo RP.

  • Server title changes depending on the Campaign / part of the Campaign we're on. We're starting with the Insurrection, hence The Insurrection. We won't only be dealing with the Insurrection and I'm only clarifying this because I know what some of you are like.
  • We're starting at the year 2552, a month or two just before the Battle of Reach.
  • The server starts with our characters going through boot camp, training to become marines to deploy and fight The Insurrectionists. For this purpose when we start all characters will be marines.
  • The plan is to take the group of Marines (and new characters picked up along the way) through a journey of some of the biggest moments of the Halo universe during the Human and Covenant war and include our own additions with events and ideas to make up the down time.
  • The first part of the server will deal with fighting Insurrectionists and interacting with them.
  • We don't plan to follow the time line religiously, we're taking key moments that happened in Halo lore and making them work for us. Rule of cool (and fun) will apply a lot here. For example in lore the war ends in 2552, if we don't want to do that we won't.
  • The Covenant will not be immediate enemies but will of course show up in due time. The Great Schism will be an event we go through on server so while Covenant characters will all be enemies at first eventually people will be allowed to apply to play as some of the various Covenant races that are allied with and fight with Humanity.
  • We know we can't represent the scale of the awesome events that take place during Halo so how do we intend to show or play out the campaigns on server? Our group will often have their own orders to carry out and aid various key lore characters achieve a goal or a mission. This is lets us plan out our own events and attach them to important lore battles and have certain important characters pop up on server but also retain the actual focus on our own group of characters.
  • Along with the major campaign events we'll also be throwing in a lot of our own events. There will be times where our characters will be on ships moving from planet to planet and there are a lot of interesting things for us to drag up and visit within the Halo universe. Rule of cool here.
  • This is of course a military themed roleplay and for certain parts of it there will just be a lot of action and nothing but, however there will also be a lot of time for people to just sit back and kick it and roleplay some cool stuff. Forerunner artifacts explain away a lot of potential BS that may just be pulled.
  • ODST will make an appearance in events and SPARTANS will sometimes show up during events.
  • While there are opportunities for antagonists and possible other groups the focus will always largely remain on the main group of marines, this keeps us flowing from one campaign to the next.


This isn't decisive, but I will lay out an optimistic (very much subject to change) .....

When - 05/29/2020 - 5PM EST / 10PM GMT+1 (UK)
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they apparently have iron sights in case of a HUD malfunction, I guess it's just not visible due to SPARTAN v.5.1.50 HUD
Hi, Halo lore nerd here.

In the games, all UNSC military personnel receive a chip in the back of their head, called a neural lace, or a neural interface.


This is Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood's, which is rather large due to him holding such a high rank. The ones regular marines get aren't as big. By 2552, when the server is set, these things are easy to install and every soldier has one. Their most common usage is to work in correspondence with the Identification, friend or foe system, or more commonly known as IFF. This is the tech that allows UNSC soldiers to be identified through city cameras or military drones, like we see in Halo 3 ODST.

This neural interlace also serves to augment vehicles, too. In 2020, we need multiple crew members to effectively man a tank, but in 2552, 1 person can effectively crew a Scorpion due to the entire thing being linked with their neural interface. This also applies to pilots and even SPARTAN suits, as well.


This is an MA37 assault rifle. It's different from its other counterparts for a myriad of reasons, but for the conversation at hand here, the ammo counter is treated more as an attachment rather than a built-in, integral part of the gun. Without the ammo counter, there are flip-up sights that could be mounted in that area, with the front sight being located in that little groove as you go down towards the barrel.

Marines can aim with their weapons because the neural interface they have links with their helmets, which in turn, link with the rifles. They are given a crosshair (at least in lore.)

I hope this answered any questions you may or may not have!
Your telling me we're still using 7.62 five hundred years later? God damn. I always thought it was some super high tech ballistics. Next you'll tell me people are still using bow and-- wait...
Your telling me we're still using 7.62 five hundred years later? God damn. I always thought it was some super high tech ballistics.

The MA37 fires 7.62 x 51mm NATO.

Not the intermediate cartridge 7.62 x 39mm.

By modern standards, the MA37 is a battle rifle: in fully automatic, it fires 7.62x51mm, or .308 Winchester, at 550 rounds per minute. Because of developments in gun technology in the Halo universe, this is completely normal: the need for intermediate cartridges have been completely eliminated because ballistics and recoil control has gotten good enough to the point that people can just reliably fire 32 rounds of 7.62x51mm NATO automatically at 550 RPM with little to no discomfort.

More examples of the gun development in Halo's universe is the magnum. It fires a 12.7x40mm (50 caliber) round that FUCKING EXPLODES. This is considered normal. It's not outlandish. It's not some wacky gun with little practical application. There's a massive pistol that fires .50 caliber that explodes, and has armor-piercing capabilities.

This is also the same for 9.5x40mm, which is what the Battle Rifle shoots. This caliber is fucking fake as hell in our world, but it's pretty common. The standard-issue sniper rifle for the UNSC is a straight-up anti-material rifle. 14.5x114mm is fashioned in ammunition types that tanks have in 2020, like high-velocity armor-piercing, or APFSDS.

TL;DR? Weapons development in halo is represented through the recoil reduction, not the types of bullets.

I hope this helped!
The MA37 fires 7.62 x 51mm NATO.

Not the intermediate cartridge 7.62 x 39mm.

By modern standards, the MA37 is a battle rifle: in fully automatic, it fires 7.62x51mm, or .308 Winchester, at 550 rounds per minute. Because of developments in gun technology in the Halo universe, this is completely normal: the need for intermediate cartridges have been completely eliminated because ballistics and recoil control has gotten good enough to the point that people can just reliably fire 32 rounds of 7.62x51mm NATO automatically at 550 RPM with little to no discomfort.

More examples of the gun development in Halo's universe is the magnum. It fires a 12.7x40mm (50 caliber) round that FUCKING EXPLODES. This is considered normal. It's not outlandish. It's not some wacky gun with little practical application. There's a massive pistol that fires .50 caliber that explodes, and has armor-piercing capabilities.

This is also the same for 9.5x40mm, which is what the Battle Rifle shoots. This caliber is fucking fake as hell in our world, but it's pretty common. The standard-issue sniper rifle for the UNSC is a straight-up anti-material rifle. 14.5x114mm is fashioned in ammunition types that tanks have in 2020, like high-velocity armor-piercing, or APFSDS.

TL;DR? Weapons development in halo is represented through the recoil reduction, not the types of bullets.

I hope this helped!

It honestly did; thank you. Just seemed weird that we still have the same calibre but if they've made it so granny can shoot them no problem that's awesome. Gonna remember that part going into it.
Hi, Halo lore nerd here.

In the games, all UNSC military personnel receive a chip in the back of their head, called a neural lace, or a neural interface.


This is Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood's, which is rather large due to him holding such a high rank. The ones regular marines get aren't as big. By 2552, when the server is set, these things are easy to install and every soldier has one. Their most common usage is to work in correspondence with the Identification, friend or foe system, or more commonly known as IFF. This is the tech that allows UNSC soldiers to be identified through city cameras or military drones, like we see in Halo 3 ODST.

This neural interlace also serves to augment vehicles, too. In 2020, we need multiple crew members to effectively man a tank, but in 2552, 1 person can effectively crew a Scorpion due to the entire thing being linked with their neural interface. This also applies to pilots and even SPARTAN suits, as well.


This is an MA37 assault rifle. It's different from its other counterparts for a myriad of reasons, but for the conversation at hand here, the ammo counter is treated more as an attachment rather than a built-in, integral part of the gun. Without the ammo counter, there are flip-up sights that could be mounted in that area, with the front sight being located in that little groove as you go down towards the barrel.

Marines can aim with their weapons because the neural interface they have links with their helmets, which in turn, link with the rifles. They are given a crosshair (at least in lore.)

I hope this answered any questions you may or may not have!

I'm almost positive Sergeant Johnson doesn't have a bill gates computer chip in his skull. At least not in Halo 2's cutscenes.
This is also the same for 9.5x40mm, which is what the Battle Rifle shoots.

the BR and DMR also have APFS rounds, but not sabot like the aforementioned 14.5x114 sniper rifles.
i believe the longest sniper kill recorded in 2020 currently is about 3.5km with a TAC-50. honestly wouldn't be surprised if those rounds could punch out that far with the level of neurally integrated optics/targeting computers available by 2552. not that it'll matter in GMod with our maps being pretty limited, but just a cool factoid ig.

halo lore gets pretty stupid, though, when it comes to certain weapons. for example...the SAP-HP round for the M6 sidearms...

Just seemed weird that we still have the same calibre but if they've made it so granny can shoot them no problem that's awesome.

there is also the .390 round fired out of the MA2B carbine that is a good bit larger. additionally, they've come up with a multitude of advanced projectile types - such as Shredder rounds. the lore itself is paradoxical around them, but some articles say they're shit at AP capabilities, others say that they're incredible with depleted uranium cores in each of the hollow-point style fragments.
the BR and DMR also have APFS rounds, but not sabot like the aforementioned 14.5x114 sniper rifles.
i believe the longest sniper kill recorded in 2020 currently is about 3.5km with a TAC-50. honestly wouldn't be surprised if those rounds could punch out that far with the level of neurally integrated optics/targeting computers available by 2552. not that it'll matter in GMod with our maps being pretty limited, but just a cool factoid ig.

halo lore gets pretty stupid, though, when it comes to certain weapons. for example...the SAP-HP round for the M6 sidearms...

there is also the .390 round fired out of the MA2B carbine that is a good bit larger. additionally, they've come up with a multitude of advanced projectile types - such as Shredder rounds. the lore itself is paradoxical around them, but some articles say they're shit at AP capabilities, others say that they're incredible with depleted uranium cores in each of the hollow-point style fragments.

I always thought it was akin to mass effect. Their weapons work like gauss rifles where they take a tiny piece of metal from inside and then super charge them. Makes it so they can run for months if not years without reloading.
I always thought it was akin to mass effect. Their weapons work like gauss rifles where they take a tiny piece of metal from inside and then super charge them. Makes it so they can run for months if not years without reloading.
Haha thermal clip go pingmass_effect_thermal_clip.jpg
Guess .308 works enough to the point where they don’t need some fancy next gen weapons with PRASMA BOLTS. What’s the rating of Marine armor? Before we start....tanking plasma....
Hi, Halo lore nerd here.

In the games, all UNSC military personnel receive a chip in the back of their head, called a neural lace, or a neural interface.


This is Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood's, which is rather large due to him holding such a high rank. The ones regular marines get aren't as big. By 2552, when the server is set, these things are easy to install and every soldier has one. Their most common usage is to work in correspondence with the Identification, friend or foe system, or more commonly known as IFF. This is the tech that allows UNSC soldiers to be identified through city cameras or military drones, like we see in Halo 3 ODST.

This neural interlace also serves to augment vehicles, too. In 2020, we need multiple crew members to effectively man a tank, but in 2552, 1 person can effectively crew a Scorpion due to the entire thing being linked with their neural interface. This also applies to pilots and even SPARTAN suits, as well.


This is an MA37 assault rifle. It's different from its other counterparts for a myriad of reasons, but for the conversation at hand here, the ammo counter is treated more as an attachment rather than a built-in, integral part of the gun. Without the ammo counter, there are flip-up sights that could be mounted in that area, with the front sight being located in that little groove as you go down towards the barrel.

Marines can aim with their weapons because the neural interface they have links with their helmets, which in turn, link with the rifles. They are given a crosshair (at least in lore.)

I hope this answered any questions you may or may not have!

My biggest question I have here is will we have 60 bullets or that pissy 32 bullets for the MA5 series?
I'm pretty sure the reason Lord Hood has one is cause he's the supreme commander. I don't think you'll be find Pte Smith with a usb drive in the back of his head, thats a lot of time and money.
"The most basic interface, known as a "neural chip", is implanted in all UNSC military personnel upon activation, but it can be replaced with a more specialized neural lace should the need arise. "

that's what this site says. p certain everyone gets something basic and as shit develops so can their new brain toy

e; also: "Expensive and requiring complicated surgery when first introduced, neural interfaces and their mediating computing systems could be fitted in a simple outpatient clinical procedure by 2557."
More question time! I live for this stuff.

I'm almost positive Sergeant Johnson doesn't have a bill gates computer chip in his skull. At least not in Halo 2's cutscenes.
I'm pretty sure the reason Lord Hood has one is cause he's the supreme commander. I don't think you'll be find Pte Smith with a usb drive in the back of his head, thats a lot of time and money.

The chips of marines are underneath their skin. Lord Hood's is only visible due to its increased size as befitting his command role. In the 2500s, every person who serves in the UNSCDF gets one for certain.

My biggest question I have here is will we have 60 bullets or that pissy 32 bullets for the MA5 series?

The only assault rifle in the games that carries more than 32 bullets is the MA5B, and that weighs like thirty-one pounds loaded. We have the MA37 on server, which means the magazine size will be thirty-two.

Guess .308 works enough to the point where they don’t need some fancy next gen weapons with PRASMA BOLTS. What’s the rating of Marine armor? Before we start....tanking plasma....

Marine armor is resilient against traditional ballistic weapons, but it has never been meant to withstand plasma. Nothing really does. If you get shot by a bolt, your armor melts, and if you get shot past that? You melt.

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