Denied Ban Request: Pepsi Dog/Derkman

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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broke. penniless.
Jun 3, 2015
Their SteamID
OOC Name
Pepsi Dog
Time of Incident
~2AM EST, 11/10/2024
Hi all,

This one is gonna be a bit of a doozy. I'm going to attach evidence of one interaction, but this is a broader problem with this player that has gone on for literal years.

Derkman is a problem, and is overall disruptive to any roleplay he is around or in. He constantly chimes in LOOC with random, unrelated thoughts that derail any sort of tension or development, his characters are entirely unserious, misplaced in-character, and in the case of his administrator, is impossible to justify given he walks around with a vest and an AR2 as the "Deputy Interim Minister of Culture".

Don't get me wrong - it's not just the fact that he minges. I do it too, from time to time when there is nothing going on, and I try to make sure it doesn't actually affect legitimate roleplay going on. It is more the fact that he is entirely incapable of determining when and where to be silly, and as a result, it severely disrupts actual attempts at roleplay. And not only does he not get reprimanded for this behavior, it is genuinely encouraged by giving him absolutely ridiculous scripts like an RPG, with which he actually causes issues where you either have to completely ignore him or get knocked out because he pulled an RPG out of his ass.

None of this is new. He has done this for years. He's been on-again off-again banned, and he usually gets unbanned as the admin team rotates through. I've accepted this, but I've finally decided after an incident tonight that it's too far.

Tonight, we started a sort of cartel and/or gang as refugee types. We were walking around, and while in some cases we were being silly, we were actively engaging in RP with the UN, rebels, and units. However, as more and more people started playing with us, at one point, Derkman loaded in as his character Frankie Fog.

After this time, he started running around, yelling and screaming random things as we moved from place to place. He would also chime in LOOCly. We, of course, tried to tell him to leave ICly, but he didn't. Whatever.

So at some point, we get him in a building.

Lidel Dakage: Paulcychlic.
Mike Salazar: [YELL] King Paul!
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: [YELL] King Paul!
Paul: [YELL] There's gotta be SOMETHING in there.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: [YELL] Find it!
[L] ** Razmig Ambartsumyan starts looking for anti-fatigue.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: [YELL] Make our Paul proud!
Joao Leitao: [YELL] Cigarette machine in here.
Joao Leitao: [YELL] Someone come hit it.
Joao Leitao: [YELL] We get more.
Vera Malkova: What will you do?
Joao Leitao: Get cigarettes.
** Joao Leitao gestures to it.
Joao Leitao: Hit it, fish.
[L] ** Maloh Stephen takes a pipe to the cigarette machine.
Vera Malkova: The police will see.
Maloh Stephen: Don't call me a fish.
Frankie Fog: [YELL] CIGGGYS!
** Elek Sárközy unsheathes his pipe, giving the machien some kinetic persuasion too.
** Razmig Ambartsumyan looks for something to help Stephen crack open the cigarette machine with.
[L] ** Maloh Stephen starts to pick through the glass, starting to go for the exposed cigarettes.
** Frankie Fog Joins in the ciggy machine breakdown
[OOC] Frankie Fog: The mob vs a cig machine
Vera Malkova: There is money to pay.
(Maloh Stephen) ** It bursts like a pinata. **
** Lidel Dakage watches with aplomb, entranced by the spectacle.
** Joao Leitao watches the bounty pour forth. He moves down going to grab them.
Elek Sárközy: [YELL] Cigar-ettes gained!
Maloh Stephen: Hold onto them, man.
Mike Salazar: Cigarettes!
Joao Leitao: Where is Paul.
Razmig Ambartsumyan: You get?
Lidel Dakage: That's whack, man.
Razmig Ambartsumyan: He outside.
** Elek Sárközy places a hand on his side in a closed fist, fliping the pipe in his hand in great success.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov says something in Russian.
Maloh Stephen: Dude.
Paul: [LOCAL-OOC] back
Maloh Stephen: Put the pipe away.
** Joao Leitao moves over to Paul. He offers over a dozen packs of cigarettes.
[L] ** Paul stares dully at the looted CMB.
Elek Sárközy: Lady left.
[L] ** Paul takes all the cigarettes without moving his eyes.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov says something in Russian.
Frankie Fog: [YELL] THERES A COP!
[G] ** Mike Salazar waves to 206.
Richard Grimald: ...they won't know. It's more dangerous to get caught out alone.
** Elek Sárközy looks up to the downed copm squinting his eyes at him.
[L] ** Paul stares dully among the crowd.
Elek Sárközy: [LOCAL-OOC] , *
Maloh Stephen: Lets make sure he's safe.
Frankie Fog: [LOCAL-OOC] We need some flag sweps
Frankie Fog: [LOCAL-OOC] Waveing the banners of paul

** Vera Malkova points at a few of the runaways. "You have danger here," she says, turning and leaving.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov exclaims something in Russian.
Richard Grimald: [YELL] Good luck!
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov says something in Russian.
Joao Leitao: This is a bad idea.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: Hey!
[L] ** Paul looks at Frankie.
Frankie Fog: Hey.
Richard Grimald: Frankie -- holy shit. What is that on the wall?
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: Be quiet, let our Paul think, damnit.
Frankie Fog: Allite.
** Paul does an awful lot of not thinking.
Paul: . . .
Paul: We need to--
Paul: We need to keep our cover.
Paul: If they knew...
Frankie Fog: Cover as what a looting mob?
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: What did you say?
Richard Grimald: What?
Frankie Fog: I kid i kid.
** Paul looks to Frankie.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: Silence yourself.
[L] ** Paul tests his limits
Paul rolled 1d20: (13) = 13
** Paul doesn't pass the 15 DC.
[L] ** Paul raises his finger at Frankie.
Paul: [YELL] Get him.

At this point, he shift + W'd away from us before anyone could emote. Eventually we decided to disperse and go to Cafe Baltic.

[G] ** Frankie Fog Was saved from his fellow bottle crackhead by the police
Lidel Dakage: [YELL] I don't know where that is!
Richard Grimald: [YELL] For what?!
Maloh Stephen: [YELL] I think that's a war crime sir.
[L] ** Paul walks to the Baltic.

After going to Cafe Baltic, we sprung a trap to kill him. We surrounded him with some melee weapons like pipes and such, planning to kill him. He immediately just started S2King us, so we just killed him by swinging.

Frankie Fog: I bring ciggrates as penence.
Razmig Ambartsumyan: You FREAK.
Joao Leitao: We do not like you.
Maloh Stephen: Drop them, and never come back.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: Come in.
Paul: Let him in.
Paul: Stand in the door.
** Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov shoves Frankie inside.
Paul: Grab him.
** Razmig Ambartsumyan yanks Frankie inside. He's strong.
** Frankie Fog Wips out the shiv and gets to slashing he going out fighting.
** Maloh Stephen pulls his pipe from his pant leg.
** Paul quietly picks up his machete from his leg.
[L] ** Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov cranks down a pipe on the back of Frankie's skull.
Frankie Fog starts bleeding!
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov starts bleeding!
[L] ** Richard Grimald leaps toward Fog's legs to try and get him on his ass.
** Razmig Ambartsumyan retaliates with his own blade. He's got more friends.
[L] ** Maloh Stephen cracks Frankies shin with a pipe.
Frankie Fog: [LOCAL-OOC] Fuck it s2k?
** Joao Leitao stands back with his pockets.
[L] ** Paul walks over. He brings his machete down on Frankie's skull as the attacks come from al lsides.
Paul starts bleeding!
[L] (Maloh Stephen) ** Frankie Fog is thoroughly brutalized by the gang, and rendered a pulp in short order. **
Frankie Fog: [LOCAL-OOC] Homie its a swamp why waste all your time /me reacting to 20 pipe smashes while we can just beat the fuck outa me and get it over wiht
[L](Paul) ** The mass shortly fall upon Frankie's body and tear him limb from limb. **
Lidel Dakage: [LOCAL-OOC] cus it's a roleplay server
Lidel Dakage: [LOCAL-OOC] you learn and develop your character through roleplay

Eventually he dies. Then, lo and behold, a few moments later, he returns on Bruno - once again, the INTERIM DEPUTY MINISTER OF CULTURE. With him is the AEGIS OfC. No one saw us kill him ICly, and given that he immediately returned to the site. He confronts us, and him and the OfC devise a plan to kill us all. As we try to leave, they actually just open fire and start killing us. Randomly. We didn't really escalate. He just started shooting. Continued in next post:
After talking about it, we decided a ban would be a little extreme. He seemed apologetic enough in this thread and acknowledged his wrongdoing. But what happened was dumb and not up to the standard we want, and Henry Ryan would have been spoken to about it if he didn't leave the community yesterday.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: [YELL] It is locked
[L] ** Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov undoes the latch.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: Dont worry i have a key.
Paul: [YELL] I thought the officers had the key?
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: I misplaced it.
Paul: Ah.
** Razmig Ambartsumyan watches the door. His brow furrows.
** Lidel Dakage returns to the bar, fishing out the half-munched paste and scooping out another finger-full of paste before shoving it in his mouth.
Maloh Stephen: Hello
** Joao Leitao offers a wave. "Evening."
Lidel Dakage: Mhgm.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: What is the pleasure, officer?
[L](Paul) ** The room smells of sweat, fear, and blood. The average refugee camp, in fact. **
** Joao Leitao smelled particularly bad. Soiled, even.
[OOC] CDI-PENROSE.FtL.74902: Truly. This is a nightmare in Prague.
** CCA.C13-OfC.74928 looks their weapon over, they flicked off their safety but didn't raise their weapon, they simply speak, " ... How goes the evening."
Richard Grimald sells their light blue tracksuit.
[OOC] SPvt. Marlon Reid: the nightmare is the lack of music
** Paul allows someone else to answer. He reads his paper.
Joao Leitao: Well enough. Quiet.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: It is well, sociostability is eh- How you say? Green!
** Razmig Ambartsumyan stinks up the place. He continues to lounge; a heavy-lidded stare is given to the unit, then peruses an old copy of the Terminal.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: ... Green, huh.
Joao Leitao: As grass!
** Maloh Stephen reads the box of union issued cereal.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: I would say -- But I would leave you to make the call.
Richard Grimald sells their tweed sports coat.
Richard Grimald sells their trucker cap.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: Yeah... Looks pretty green, you all good civil servants?
(Paul) ** "Green as grass," Paul repeats, looking over a particularly old Terminal copy. '154 DEAD - HOUSING BLOCK A BOMBED BY MALIGNANT ELEMENTS' **
Elek Sárközy: You think theres a football around here?
Maloh Stephen: Pretty good, all things considered.
Maloh Stephen: You smoke?
** Lidel Dakage turns around, resting his back on the bar as he goes about scooping more and more paste into his hands and eating it like an animal, eyes glossing over the doorframe.
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: If we weren't, then we would not be here, would we officer? I mean, I don't mean to question you, of course.
** Razmig Ambartsumyan continues to browse his own cop of the Terminal, which also happens to be the opposite side of the copy of the Terminal Paul's reading.
** Deputy Director Berno Butler Lights up a cig watching the group.
** CCA.C13-OfC.74928 slung their weapon, they went for a revoler on their hip, casually loading it as they continued to speak, with a calm neutral voice." Yeah, yeah... True enough. Say, do you guys have any alcohol?"

They shot us after we tried to leave, and then proceeded to burn the store. To reiterate - we didn't actually break any laws, that they saw. This was borderline torture porn, initiated by someone metagaming info from their dead character and breaking NLR.

CCA.C13-OfC.74928: [YELL] ... Gead back in for a second, wasn't done with my conversation.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: [LOCAL-OOC] Head
Fedka Yuliy Smerdyakov: No... No we have to leave, you see.
Richard Grimald: I don't really care about what you recommend.
** Lidel Dakage slips on the aviators, taking a moment to look suave and cool, imagining he's in some western film.
Richard Grimald: I want to have a smoke.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.67532: Just do as the lady says- I wouldn't piss her off if I was you, man.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: You are seeming to misunderstand this isnt a request.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: You don't care what I say?
Siobhan Fitzpatrick: And who the hell are you?
Deputy Director Berno Butler: Deputy Director of culture.
Siobhan Fitzpatrick: What?
** CCA.C13-UNION.03.67532 seems more or less like she's just following 749's lead, glancing between the crowd and what-not.
** Razmig Ambartsumyan stares through the window. He looks at the gascan, especially.
** CCA.C13-AEGIS.SI.20100 goes to unsling her submachine gun, the laser is turned on as she stares at the group ahead.
** Richard Grimald turns to 749 and throws their entire body weight into trying to tackle them to the concrete.
Maloh Stephen: That's not a real positon.
Razmig Ambartsumyan: ...Culture? What culture?
Deputy Director Berno Butler: You see a movie in the last 10 years?
Deputy Director Berno Butler: That was us.
[L] ** Paul shifts to the next page on his paper. 'POLYA PETROVNA -- 24 YEARS OLD -- GRADUATE -- KILLED BY MALIGNANT TERRORISM'
[L] ** Maloh Stephen grabs the thing of gasoline as Richard tackles them.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.67532: [LOCAL-OOC] lettin 749 react before i do mine
(CCA.C13-OfC.74928) ** Grimald throws themselves at the command unit, like the big ole brute he is, and instead of falling straight back the command unit stands firm and instead pushes directly back against the man to throw him off of her, raising her weapon in the process, she was ... Much stronger then she looked. **
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [LOCAL-OOC] gonna wait for there emote also before i head on in.
[OOC] Kristina 'Krovi' Romaschenko: xfinity must burn
** Richard Grimald raises his hands up. "You win, bitch."
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.67532 gets bumped into by 749- Seeing as she was pretty much standing right behind her. She stumbles back, slinging a curse out. "-Fuck!"
** Paul SIGHS.
** Deputy Director Berno Butler Raises up his shotgun and begings letting the semi auto shotgun do most of the work fireing it into the mob at random.
** Paul doesn't sigh in allcaps though.

(CCA.C13-OfC.74928) ** Grimald throws themselves at the command unit, like the big ole brute he is, and instead of falling straight back the command unit stands firm and instead pushes directly back against the man to throw him off of her, raising her weapon in the process, she was ... Much stronger then she looked. **
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: [LOCAL-OOC] That one
[L] ** CCA.C13-AEGIS.SI.20100 reaches for her radio, the other hand is able to keep the SMG level, as the laser glosses of Lidel. The weapon isn't fired.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [LOCAL-OOC] Me and the boys commiting a fucking warcrime aganst refugees
** Razmig Ambartsumyan runs away. He doesn't dip or dodge.
[OOC] SPvt. Marlon Reid: Richard Grimald lookin like a gta iv character
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836 idly held a Colt King Cobra.
[L] ** CCA.C13-OfC.74928 has her sights set on Razmig as they tried to run away, the officer doesn't seem to have much trouble linin up a perfect shot, the let another round fly, but it wasn't going for their head, it was aimed for their knee.
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.67532 steps back- She yanks her sidearm out of its holster as things start to get chaotic ahead of her. The 03 seems just confused- Wielding her pistol.
CCA.C13-AEGIS.SI.20100: 201; Disregard 34s. Multiple malignants cauterized. Cafe Baltic. Requesting additionals.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836: [YELL] You wanna' be a part of the statistics?
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [YELL] Whoever shoots the one yelling gets 500 Credits.
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836 leveled her King Cobra at Davis.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836: [YELL] You should shut up before it's too late.
CCA.C13-UNION.02.13377: A cute statement.
CCA.C13-AEGIS.SI.20100: [YELL] Everybody inside. I suggest you find a wall and bury your head in it.
[L] ** Razmig Ambartsumyan's femoral artery explodes as 749 aims up a perfect shot. His knee and about a foot of thigh explode in gore as one of the major arteries in his body is perforated by high-calibre gunfire, and the runner quickly expires.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836: He's impersonating.
** Lidel Dakage hasn't moved all, he's still chilling in the doorway, moving from putting on his flashy glasses to pulling down his gloves one by one, fingers stretching out as he pulls them taut - only to point his gun at the cops. A finger gun. "Kapow!" he points in the direction of the runners.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836: Deliver a citation.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836: Class two.
** Elek Sárközy pats his self down, realising that he had been bleeding this entire time from the shots into the crowd " Oh..." he says falling over.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: ... I swear none of these people are any fun.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: You.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: Eh it depends.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [YELL] You two in there on the wall!
Lidel Dakage: Me?
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: How many are still in there?
Deputy Director Berno Butler: Saw like 4 move into the back room.
** Lidel Dakage glances over his shoulder. He stares for a second, steps in, looks around and then steps back to the door - only to step back in, lower his glasses and do it again.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: ... Go into the back, both of you.
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: Behind the counter.
** Deputy Director Berno Butler Fires up into the building roof above the two.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836: Christ Berno-
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [YELL] Into the back you heard them.
** Lidel Dakage returns to the officer, squinting. He's clearly out of it. The extra gunshots don't help. "I think that one's dead - and that one - I'm not sure. Does it really matter though?"
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836 walked on in.
** CCA.C13-UNION.03.67532 just stands back, she tucks her tec-nine away. She doesn't look like she wants part of this.
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836 walked off after peaking around.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [LOCAL-OOC] Yall get brownie points if yall join in on the Cafe baltic mass execution.
** CCA.C13-OfC.74928 steps in, they grab Lidel by the collar, which again, they were stronger then one might assume, and dragged them along.

I have more logs, but I really don't feel like parsing it. Derkman was prodding in LOOC to influence IC decisions, as well. This entire situation was awful, start to finish, and it was initiated by Derkman not being able to take anything seriously, and not grasping the idea of roleplay. He has to go. This isn't me being an old, gatekeepy whiny child. He is actually lowering the quality of gameplay on the server. I cannot stand it, and it is entirely unfathomable to me that he has not been banned already.

Please consider it, or at least give me a reason why he shouldn't be banned. It's getting ridiculous.
He even acknowledges that it's stupid, and yet, still does it.


Apparently the burning was the unit's idea. Even still, him being there and just blasting is still probably metagame, though that behavior is just... weird and edgy.

Apparently the burning was the unit's idea. Even still, him being there and just blasting is still probably metagame, though that behavior is just... weird and edgy.
My char blasted because guys tackled a cop, listen the group shit i didnt know was ment to be serious due to half of the time yall were on the merry go round spinning about i assumed it was some Johnson Turf style shit due to my past experiences with that kind of shit going on on server i the unit being edgy as shit was not my idea.
My char blasted because guys tackled a cop, listen the group shit i didnt know was ment to be serious due to half of the time yall were on the merry go round spinning about i assumed it was some Johnson Turf style shit due to my past experiences with that kind of shit going on on server i the unit being edgy as shit was not my idea.
** Deputy Director Berno Butler Raised up his shotgun then into the crowd.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [LOCAL-OOC] Sorry
Razmig Ambartsumyan: [LOCAL-OOC] hey zap can you repost the emote of you aiming initially before
Lidel Dakage: [LOCAL-OOC] bro can you re-post the emote of you aiming at grimald
Razmig Ambartsumyan: [LOCAL-OOC] they didnt see it back there
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: [LOCAL-OOC] On you or him
Razmig Ambartsumyan: [LOCAL-OOC] grimald
Razmig Ambartsumyan: [LOCAL-OOC] you said you did
** CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836 joined the group.
(CCA.C13-OfC.74928) ** Grimald throws themselves at the command unit, like the big ole brute he is, and instead of falling straight back the command unit stands firm and instead pushes directly back against the man to throw him off of her, raising her weapon in the process, she was ... Much stronger then she looked. **
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: [LOCAL-OOC] That one
[L] ** CCA.C13-AEGIS.SI.20100 reaches for her radio, the other hand is able to keep the SMG level, as the laser glosses of Lidel. The weapon isn't fired.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [LOCAL-OOC] Me and the boys commiting a fucking warcrime aganst refugees
** Razmig Ambartsumyan runs away. He doesn't dip or dodge.
[OOC] SPvt. Marlon Reid: Richard Grimald lookin like a gta iv character
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836 idly held a Colt King Cobra.
[L] ** CCA.C13-OfC.74928 has her sights set on Razmig as they tried to run away, the officer doesn't seem to have much trouble linin up a perfect shot, the let another round fly, but it wasn't going for their head, it was aimed for their knee.
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.67532 steps back- She yanks her sidearm out of its holster as things start to get chaotic ahead of her. The 03 seems just confused- Wielding her pistol.
CCA.C13-AEGIS.SI.20100: 201; Disregard 34s. Multiple malignants cauterized. Cafe Baltic. Requesting additionals.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836: [YELL] You wanna' be a part of the statistics?
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [YELL] Whoever shoots the one yelling gets 500 Credits.

Someone tackled a friendly unit, so you started firing randomly into the crowd. Right.

Also offered a bounty to units to kill someone. Also nice.

The emote before you were told to redo the emote was:
** Deputy Director Berno Butler Raises up his shotgun and begings letting the semi auto shotgun do most of the work fireing it into the mob at random.
** Deputy Director Berno Butler Raised up his shotgun then into the crowd.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [LOCAL-OOC] Sorry
Razmig Ambartsumyan: [LOCAL-OOC] hey zap can you repost the emote of you aiming initially before
Lidel Dakage: [LOCAL-OOC] bro can you re-post the emote of you aiming at grimald
Razmig Ambartsumyan: [LOCAL-OOC] they didnt see it back there
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: [LOCAL-OOC] On you or him
Razmig Ambartsumyan: [LOCAL-OOC] grimald
Razmig Ambartsumyan: [LOCAL-OOC] you said you did
** CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836 joined the group.
(CCA.C13-OfC.74928) ** Grimald throws themselves at the command unit, like the big ole brute he is, and instead of falling straight back the command unit stands firm and instead pushes directly back against the man to throw him off of her, raising her weapon in the process, she was ... Much stronger then she looked. **
CCA.C13-OfC.74928: [LOCAL-OOC] That one
[L] ** CCA.C13-AEGIS.SI.20100 reaches for her radio, the other hand is able to keep the SMG level, as the laser glosses of Lidel. The weapon isn't fired.
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [LOCAL-OOC] Me and the boys commiting a fucking warcrime aganst refugees
** Razmig Ambartsumyan runs away. He doesn't dip or dodge.
[OOC] SPvt. Marlon Reid: Richard Grimald lookin like a gta iv character
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836 idly held a Colt King Cobra.
[L] ** CCA.C13-OfC.74928 has her sights set on Razmig as they tried to run away, the officer doesn't seem to have much trouble linin up a perfect shot, the let another round fly, but it wasn't going for their head, it was aimed for their knee.
[L] ** CCA.C13-UNION.03.67532 steps back- She yanks her sidearm out of its holster as things start to get chaotic ahead of her. The 03 seems just confused- Wielding her pistol.
CCA.C13-AEGIS.SI.20100: 201; Disregard 34s. Multiple malignants cauterized. Cafe Baltic. Requesting additionals.
CCA.C13-UNION.03.04836: [YELL] You wanna' be a part of the statistics?
Deputy Director Berno Butler: [YELL] Whoever shoots the one yelling gets 500 Credits.

Someone tackled a friendly unit, so you started firing randomly into the crowd. Right.

Also offered a bounty to units to kill someone. Also nice.

The emote before you were told to redo the emote was:
** Deputy Director Berno Butler Raises up his shotgun and begings letting the semi auto shotgun do most of the work fireing it into the mob at random.
To answer the first part of this how else are you supposed to react to a mob about to fucking jump you icly? the second part yeah i admit that one yell was edgy i know i fucked up tonight i misread the situation it went to far people are mad i messed up tonight.
Dude, I just can't buy it anymore. You've been roleplaying for 5 years. You're not a kid anymore, and you've been doing this far longer than people who are far, far more serious than you. You just don't have any excuses.
Dude, I just can't buy it anymore. You've been roleplaying for 5 years. You're not a kid anymore, and you've been doing this far longer than people who are far, far more serious than you. You just don't have any excuses.
I'm sorry fucked up today i misread a situation on how serious that group was ment to be i should not of fucking joined that random unit after they asked me if i wanted to fuck with that group afterwards i did not expect it to turn into all of this was a new low for me today usually its not this bad today i fucked up i promise shit like this this will never happen again.
My char blasted because guys tackled a cop, listen the group shit i didnt know was ment to be serious due to half of the time yall were on the merry go round spinning about i assumed it was some Johnson Turf style shit due to my past experiences with that kind of shit going on on server i the unit being edgy as shit was not my idea.
hi, pepsi dog/henry ryan/derkman/etc. i cannot help but notice this response is eerily similar to your previous response to your other ban request (which has been deleted from the archives) in that you seem to deflect the reasons for your fundamentally unserious behavior onto others. the 'johnson turf' stuff you are describing was, at the VERY least, feelsgoodman, salty, beets, and i roleplaying amongst ourselves as citizens/refugees wheeling and dealing. there was nothing unserious going on until you and several others joined and started quipping in looc and spamming /y.

unit edginess aside (i have serious reservations about an intel unit deciding to torch the previously-CCA-authorized group of refugees, with them inside, for seemingly no reason, but that's not for this thread), there was exactly 0 reason for your character, the 'interrim(sic) deputy director of culture', to show up to a situation in which your OTHER character was NLR'd not 5 minutes previously, and start waving your new character's (presumably unauthed) AR2 prosthetic arm and start blasting refugees with your minister of culture's automatic shotgun while zap did his best recreation of his favorite scene from Come And See.

none of this touches on your frankly bizzare habit of constantly commenting on roleplay situations in looc to try and either make banal comments on what's going on or outright influence player's roleplay decisions via looc. what's up with that, dude?
I'm sorry fucked up today i misread a situation on how serious that group was ment to be i should not of fucking joined that random unit after they asked me if i wanted to fuck with that group afterwards i did not expect it to turn into all of this was a new low for me today usually its not this bad today i fucked up i promise shit like this this will never happen again.
You've had ban requests for this exact same behavior before, and you've said the exact same thing. Like I said, I just don't buy it.

I will put in more evidence as it comes up, but it's not worth arguing.
Locking the thread pending an admin response, if anyone has something of substance to add you can PM the admins.
After talking about it, we decided a ban would be a little extreme. He seemed apologetic enough in this thread and acknowledged his wrongdoing. But what happened was dumb and not up to the standard we want, and Henry Ryan would have been spoken to about it if he didn't leave the community yesterday.
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