Recent content by EOS

  1. EOS


    like deadeye said this will be a thing and there will also be more incentives to pursue a loyalist route. not saying citizen rp will be thriving but there's more reasons to not devote your character to the CCA, CIC/CWU, or CA but remain a loyalist than there were before. hopefully they help...
  2. EOS

    TnB 2023 Update

    love yall even if i dont love yall. tnb's level of storytelling and collaborative writing can't be topped anywhere else even at its lowest points. hope this plays stays a haven for aspiring writers or any gamer who enjoys this niche type of gaming experience "live laugh love" - @icecreeper
  3. EOS

    Half Life 2 - City 13 FAQ

    ye i probably came off like i was gunning it for the admins or admin which i was not. ik the instance ur referring too u just sparked some memories. a lot of that was bmd influenced but i roped it into admin stuff cuz i remember the amount ppl were bugging about it. there r ooc issues with like...
  4. EOS

    Half Life 2 - City 13 FAQ

    thats the thing that is where problems arise. when ur head honcho is an admin and going through them or aligning yourself with them becomes the only way of progressing ur char. classic move throughout tnbs half life servers but an admin in a leadership role isnt always a bad thing. it doesnt...
  5. EOS

    Half Life 2 - City 13 FAQ

    head honcho doesnt mean what i think u think it means but i could be wrong with assuming. the players at launch r free to set up their rebel activities with whoever they find. whoever does that the most, shows the most initiative, gathers a following is going to naturally be 'head honcho'. its...
  6. EOS

    Half Life 2 - City 13 FAQ

    double post given there isn’t a starting plot that will last the whole server like “rebels need to accomplish x or x happens” idk if it will be that damaging. do whatever u want, write whatever u wanna possibly do, then hit up someone or the auths with the focus on smaller dynamic plot lines...
  7. EOS

    Half Life 2 - City 13 FAQ

    recent half life roleplays here have seen admin chars or chars around bmd connects becoming ‘head honchos’ because they supply the scripts and the plot moments. which creates the circle a lot of players flock too cuz it’s where they think the progression will come from and that ‘progression’...
  8. EOS

    Half Life 2 - City 13 FAQ

    no psychic stuff but there r augments. there will probably be something more in depth posted by one of the writers
  9. EOS

    STALKER Roleplay & Community Update Announcement

    i trust the process. everything that tnb does starts out pretty good. it's the inevitable first dip in population and following that is the real ball drop
  10. EOS

    STALKER Roleplay & Community Update Announcement

    a little skeptical can not lie. a lot of reassurance in here though that helps my pessimism i hope these aren't all ideas that are beautiful on paper yet never come to fruition like intended. don't mean this as a jab, just going off tnbs history change has been promised and ways to make change...
  11. EOS

    Terminator Roleplay - Announcement & Information

    he's adding jiggle physics
  12. EOS

    Terminator Roleplay - Announcement & Information

    what about bears