izakrod64 bann requast for rdm

  • Attention
    • Do not post useless +support.
    • Do not post personal vouches.
    • Do not shitpost or derail.
    Failure to adhere to this will get you infracted and/or banned.

    A permanent ban is often a method to get the accused to post an appeal. It is not at all times the verdict.
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Master Builder
Jul 18, 2018
OOC Name: izakrod64
SteamID: don't know he left before i could get the id
Character Name: Jorge Cole
What happened: I was afk sitting in the medbay of screen watching Youtube when he came in an just killed me
Also started threathing me
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] i was afk all the time
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] dude dont lie
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] earlier
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] you tried to kill me
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] when? yestarday
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] today
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] i'm on the server like two hours and afk all the time
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] nah dude
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] u tried to dm me
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] want to get banned for rdm? i already got someone banned for doing shit
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] bro u dmed me
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] i got rdm earlier
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] well show me evendence
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] nobody did shit
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] i got rdmed by u earlier
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] show me that i killed
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] show me that i killed
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] u killed me approximately 3 hours ago
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] i got proof too
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] show me
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] how
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] show me the proof
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] its in my steam snap shots
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] ur a dick bro
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] let me get a admin on
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] u dm and now u mad cuz i returned the favor
Jorge Cole: ur a jack ass bro
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] nah i'm getting a admin on
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] ill get admin
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] shot me
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] do it
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] u threaten me boy
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] come shot me
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] u threatening me
** Jorge Cole feels threatened
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] i'm waiting
** Jorge Cole puts hand on trigger
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] come on
Jorge Cole: dont make me pull it boy
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] good i got your steam id and your name
Jorge Cole: you aint got nothing
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] i got urs
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] plus screenshots
Jack Manfild: [LOCAL-OOC] come to the forums
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] u dmed me earlier dick weed
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] u arent getting off the hook
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] u and the other guy
Jorge Cole: [LOCAL-OOC] who rdmed
Jorge Cole: u shit

Time it happened: 10:48 german time
izakrod64 killed Metermann001 using trp_m16
izakrod64 killed Metermann001 using trp_m16
Player izakrod64 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Player izakrod64 has joined the game
I reviewed the logs. You did nothing to deserve him lashing out like that. I've taken the liberty of permabanning him on the spot for his behavior. RDMing players at night is absolutely unacceptable.

This thread will remain open for him to respond to.

Permabanned STEAM_0:1:463536698 (RDMing players at night. Appeal on forums.)
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